I stopped doomscrolling and let me tell you i feel really good.
Now you doomscroll lemmy?
Just saying: The chronological timeline of communities you follow has an end.
It’s Lemmy, even the All feed has an end (and that end is usually porn).
Why do you think I doomscroll 👀
I’ve yet to see any porn in all feed. Is this a .world thing?
Probably! I think they just didn’t defed from lemmynsfw or whatever it’s called. They always appear around the double digits.
Used to also include furry porn but I think they defederated from that. Honestly I either ignore it or say “you go girl” and move on.
Whenever I get close to the end, posts start repeating but occasionally I still see new ones so it doesn’t feel like a “hard” line but more like Lemmy is glitchy. Maybe that’s why I never see porn.
Trust me. You don’t wanna go to the Lemmy end feed
I can finish my Lemmy subs in probably 30 min. And I laugh a few times and learn a few things along the way.
I can finish my Lemmy subs in probably 30 min
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Oh you!
I started crying
Continue for at least one hour
Wait, skipped dinner
It better be doordash
Is it possible to learn this power?
So you’re at step 4.
I read this as 4am.
It did not help.
Get your hour of crying in early
And still have a few leftover to doomscroll before work!:-P
Oh, that’s the anxiety version!
It’s nice to have options 😉
4am is peak (I-went-to-bed-hours-ago-)sleeping hour!!
Finally brainhole things quiet down.
Username does not check out. This answer makes far too much sense - are you sure that you don’t want your answer to be more evil? (On the other hand, it is compatible with photosynthesis so there’s that!)
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Listen, it’s hard to be a plant and not a morning person, I get a sugar rush by the sun early morning, that bright morning person sky bitch.
I can only scheme at night, send my nefarious evil messages via the mycelium network, maybe take a walk to freak out some humans.
You are a lunar-tic! And I for one am here for it:-P.
Although I think the solar totalitarian authority figure would like to have a word with you…
I despise doordash or any of those services… thankfully, I am not that lazy to the point that I won’t even order pizza for delivery, I will go pick it up. My wife, on the other hand, thinks whenever I am not around (go out with friends or some event), it’s a free for all, and I will see like a $80 dollar charge for something stupid that probably would have been like $20 if she went to get it. Nothing drives me more nuts than this waste of money we don’t even have…
My local pizza places have actually started using DoorDash as their delivery drivers and it has me going and picking it up instead
Sounds like you need to talk to your wife, better yet, you guys should be signing up for some cooking classes, it’s a fun and unlimited ROI skill as you will have to eat until you dir.
Not necessarily, I could stop eating until I die.
“I’m depressed and suppressing my bad feelings” starterpack
Replace insta with Lemmy and I’m livin’ the life
You can optimise further by doom-scrolling for another hour while you cry. Multitasking increases productivity and let’s you waste twice as much time in half the time so you can waste even more time.
I’m pretty good at almost all of these nowadays but it took me a lot longer to achieve that level of skill
Well, not “insta”, I don’t want to know things about people (nor support megacorps), … but yeah.
How bout fuck insta.
How bout that.
Doom scroll on mastodon.