this will absolutely wreck the US economy, which is why I don’t think they’ll let him do it
John Roberts gonna dome him at the inauguration level blunder.
secret service gonna look the other way as UlyssesT offs him
Critical support for comrade Trump in his war on American Empire.
Canada?! Why the hell would he do that to Canada of all places? None of this makes any sense whatsoever. The US doesn’t have the manufacturing capacity to do anything for itself. It’s just going to make consumer goods ungodly expensive.
Canada spent the last 80 years basing policy and trade directly in support of American interests. At the expense of building trade agreements with China and even europe. Canada is fucked with tariffs. It’s going to throw us into a recession as all prices will be going up. We get most of our stuff from the USA.
Shit, the US put tariffs on softwood lumber and that increased our lumber prices like 500% a couple of years ago.
Canada is already in a recession, if you take housing out of the calculation. Because of our housing situation, it’ll probably do some absolutely bonkers depression type thing.
you guys should uncoup yourselves. i dont think the US would dare invadee or embargo Canada due to optics anyway
Both Canada and Mexico doesn’t make sense. NAFTA has made it that supply chains in those countries are heavily reliant on crossing the border. Like I think cars manufactured on the continent have parts that cross the border multiple times. It’s gonna be like a fucking compounding tax on cars lmao.
A pickup is gonna cost like as much as a house.
Critical support for getting those monstrosities off the road.
Canada is actually a major source of US fent
Trump’s a big fan of the NHL and hates how many Canadians the American teams import
It does seem quite strange, but reactionaries, especially US republicans, are not known for being sane.
He said he would impose a 25% tax on all products entering the country from Canada and Mexico, and an additional 10% tariff on goods from China, as one of his first executive orders.
For me the scariest thing is that if he did that or even half of that - it would damage the economy but - of course - he will escape blame by the republicans. And many independents too? He’ll spew hateful/toxic lies and create scapegoats (for example - “globalists”) and a large percentage of Americans will believe him or sort of believe him or pretend to believe him.
I’m not sure about that. There are loyalists on each side who are ride or die no matter what, but whoever is in office tends to take the blame for a bad economy regardless of whether or not it’s their fault.
Although this would fuck everyone over, it could also put us into a revolutionary situation. A far-right government is doing it, so the left has every opportunity to seize the moment. This is still very scary, but all is not lost
Question is do the Liberals get to take credit for it? If they do, then things get fucky again.
He will take the blame but democrats are so insufferable that people would vote for him a third time just to piss on them.
I suddenly realized I need to order a lot of stuff from Aliexpress.
Counter prediction: he does it, the economy gets worse but does not collapse, and things just continue to slowly get shittier.
Okay so if his goal (as his followers interpret it, not what he believes, because whatever is rattling around his head is like blonde celebs from the 80s and 90s, the desire to eat a McDonald’s meal, racism, and some sort of deeply nested insecurities his parents put there) is economic protectionism, this will surely backfire and trash the economy like brexit on steroids. This is like sawing off your legs to make you a faster runner.
There is no way the key holders of the government and economy will let him do this. Unless this is their final plan to Shock Doctrine the USA and firesale everything not nailed down and implement actual feudalism but I somehow doubt they have the stomach to pitch the country into a 40 year recession to do it. Somebody has to know that there aren’t enough raw resources to claw back from this on a time frame that isn’t shit their grandkids will inherit and not themselves.
Either way this is going to wreck so much shit so I have lots of doubts
this is their final plan to Shock Doctrine the USA and firesale everything not nailed down and implement actual feudalism
Yes, they have said loudly and explicitly that this is the goal
Wouldn’t American protectionism also make prices go up even if “the jobs came back” due to wages? Idk about economy
Strongest Vanguard of the Revolution
Lathe time: by some bizarre set of circumstances this actually makes the US economy better and everyone loved Trump (extremely unlikely but hey, we live in strange times).
There’s a certain amount of vibes when it comes to economy stuff, and investors love Trump. I wouldn’t be surprised if the stock market kept climbing for a bit, CHUDs pretended they were better off than before, and it was all revealed to be a farce at like the first earnings call lol.
This will be funny when it bankrupts my employer because they can’t pay to import any of the components we need to make anything at a +30% markup.
My work isn’t even production/import-export related and we’re already having to account for shit costing more
this’ll have to be argued down, if he tries to do this the american economy will collapse
or worst possibility china concedes on a bunch of stuff like pushovers
or worst possibility china concedes on a bunch of stuff like pushovers
peace in our time, etc., etc.,…
This isn’t going to go the way that they think it is lol.
do it