No commentary here. I just think we should find more comrades and bring them into our fold. How do we do it? Post your ideas, no matter how wild. Maybe someone will see it and get inspired and make something happen.

  • Parsani [love/loves, comrade/them]
    4 months ago

    I got here years ago because someone posted a link on reddit. I think it was on r/trueanon. Are people still doing that?

    I feel like posting HB links is most effective during periods of decades happening. People want the posts. But the last thing I’m thinking about when things get wild is “I should post HB links on reddit”.

    I do think that while the shit posting part of this site is great, and honestly what drew me in, it’s the effort posts and theory discussion which kept me here. I think this component of this site is lacking promotion. Effort posting gets buried under the nth slop post. It looks like we now have unlimited pinned posts, so maybe pinning a recent effort post for a few days would drive more engagement there and promote that kind of posting more.

    I feel like if we did start to market HB or whatever, posting links to effort and theory posts is not a bad idea. While the general vibe here is shitposty (and I think thats generally good because it keeps things casual), there aren’t many places on the internet to have in depth theory discussions. I think part of this is there is a kind of ideological consistency here, even if we don’t always agree, that provides a nice basis on which to have these discussions.

    Idk, I like this site. I would be sad to see it die, but I also don’t think it will anytime soon even without much growth.

    • glans [it/its]
      4 months ago

      I would love some way to focus more on the effort posts. both to be able to see them more myself and get them more visibility. Especially over time. Even if something get lots of upvotes it’ll only be on the front page for a day or less. Or worse: lost in hundreds of comments in the megas. But saying this I know it would require some sort of consistent curatorial-type labor. So idk.

      I find compared to reddit, Lemmy in general is not as encouraging for effort posts because they get lost. Is there even a good way to search relevant comms? The whole reason I started using reddit was that you could find so much good information. Also the “flare” for posts was really helpful in reddit.

      I don’t know if that would be relevant to general recruitment because the bottle neck is likely earlier than this. But if you want to encourage nerdy behavior and nerd retention than it is an issue.

      it seems as though this site is a barely tenable balance between shitposting and nerdism. Both required and both facilitate each other but always a pervasive tension .