Refunded after 110 mins.

Not happy about needing framegen+FSR performance for 1440 ultrawide on a 7900 XT+9700x.

Was wondering why pressing 6 did nothing the entire prologue before I had an EPIC STORY MOMENT where you get given the bolt.

I think it was an exceptionally dumb decision not to have easily accessible healing available before you reach the first town.

I turned on GOD GAMER mode and ran it hitless up till there. #pureskill

A-Life 2.0 is complete cap, what got me to ragequit was barely fighting through a bandit squad, then pack of dogs spawning directly behind me before my first CTD.

pika-cousin-suffering /10, back to gamma

  • peppersky [he/him, any]
    4 months ago

    I think it is actually pretty alright. It’s a beautifully realized world, it is very atmospheric and moody. The story so far has been pretty lame (I think they are going for a “oh no the zone is getting commercialized we punks need to fight against it” kind of plot, which is kinda meh as far as where they could have taken the story), although there is some character to it (but there’s also a pretty regressive streak to the whole thing, with there still being no female stalkers or any real diversity to speak of).

    The more pressing and obvious problems the game has are balance and the complete absence of A-Life. Supplies are much too plentiful, while repairing any of your equipment costs way too much and without roaming bands of mutants and stalkers the game really does lose a lot of what made Stalker special (endlessly respawning enemies is hopefully just a bug).

    • grandepequeno [he/him]
      4 months ago

      I think they are going for a “oh no the zone is getting commercialized we punks need to fight against it” kind of plot

      That’s close to what the original Roadside Picnic novel that inspired the games does, the Zones there have always had companies sending in people to retrieve shit and sell it