Refunded after 110 mins.

Not happy about needing framegen+FSR performance for 1440 ultrawide on a 7900 XT+9700x.

Was wondering why pressing 6 did nothing the entire prologue before I had an EPIC STORY MOMENT where you get given the bolt.

I think it was an exceptionally dumb decision not to have easily accessible healing available before you reach the first town.

I turned on GOD GAMER mode and ran it hitless up till there. #pureskill

A-Life 2.0 is complete cap, what got me to ragequit was barely fighting through a bandit squad, then pack of dogs spawning directly behind me before my first CTD.

pika-cousin-suffering /10, back to gamma

  • Huldra [they/them, it/its]
    4 months ago

    RDR2 needs to be punished for its crimes in convincing devs that forced animations for basic actions was a good idea, even if it was mildly cool in that game cause it did almost everything like that.

    (it probably doesn’t originate there either but its the most famous current example)

    • GoebbelsDeezNuts [any]
      4 months ago

      I disagree and wish more games did it. I am annoyed at how quick the animations are for eating and healing in this game.

      I was hoping it would be closer to Tarkov honestly. The extremely long healing/eating/drinking/reloading animations really go a long way in an FPS to establish “this is a human with a body that is very fragile” which also establishes stakes very well.

      In Tarkov it leads to a lot of interesting decision making that doesn’t really come up in any other shooters. Instead of kill everything - loot. It becomes start gunfight - get shot - try to get a safe spot because this healing animation is going to take 20 seconds - kill enemy - realize you were shot in the stomach and are dying of thirst - check containers/pockets for something, (anything please god anything) to drink - decide if its safe to drink - finish healing - realize you didn’t repack you mags - die to the next person who comes up on the pile of bodies because you’re out of ammo.

      I get that I am probably in the minority but I love that shit.

      • Huldra [they/them, it/its]
        4 months ago

        That does actually sound interesting since it will be adding dimensions to one of the more interesting parts of the gameplay.

        Having animations for checking the map or doing busywork only is just a dev jerkoff session gone wrong though IMO.