I’ve yet to find one I actually enjoyed my time on. I’m better off getting questions answered by just broadcasting in global chat in-game. The dorks and power-moderators of the channels for games are the same types of dweebs who used to lock forum posts asking questions with “lol search function n00b, LOCKED AND BANNED”.
but yeah discord & discord-likes are great for casual shooting the shit with friends but hopeless for anything informative. It’s absolutely bizarre to see existing communities abandoning forums and wikis for this when it’s so obviously inferior for distribution of information.
Agreed, it’s so weird. Discord could never be as efficient at conveying information as a GameFaqs guide from the early 2000s.
I maintain a gamefaqs account from 2004 solely so I can say “I have a gamefaqs account older than you” to de facto win any online argument
I actually had an older one that got banned in 2004 for talking about how to use a glitch in SOCOM2. Gamefaqs does not want all the facts getting out…
Well, perhaps the question just wasn’t asked frequently enough.
It’s not bazarr so much from one perspective.
The biggest problems in forums are lack of engagement which leads to abandonment. That is why a lot of forums are shutting down. People are so used to centralization.
Discord users get notifications on a single platform for topics they subscribe to and since it is “always online” for many people when they boot their computers, engagement stays pretty high because of the low effort required. On the other hand, I have asked around 15 questions in various discord support servers and gotten 2 replies ever, so not that much different than forums…
Of course this leads to tons of information lost & locked away on a terrible deepweb platform. At least there are threads now so you don’t have to search through random comments to see who replied to a question you searched…
Discord is horrible as a forum replacement, but I do see why it is replacing many forums from a theoretical engagement perspective.
Maybe we need an app that can aggregate all your disparate phpbb2 memberships and notifications. Beeper-style.
doesn’t actually work for this either
so I see why someone might.
Discord sucks
where is the lie
The developers, immediately filled with horrified regret at the wretched and fell thing they were to release into the world, tried to warn us all by replacing promotional materials with ones naming the new service “Discord”, but it was all for naught; Irony had by this time been slain many years since, management considered the last minute name change an improvement, someone in marketing took the credit, and users heeded not the warning
open source projects moving their support chat from obscure irc networks/channels with 3 users to discord sucks so much too
Fuck I hate this. I just refuse at this point. If your only documentation is on fucking discord, you do not have documentation. If I cannot use the thing without documentation, then it is not usable.
On my phone, all three of your “documentation” words are lined up perfectly vertically.
Oh my god mine too, this was intentional and I’m a genius.
It’s just amazing to find an interesting project with no docs and a small README that contains the words “Join our Discord”. Even better when they also have a website that they don’t fucking utilize.
Once Discord inevitably goes the way of Reddit and Twitter, untold amounts of data and information will be lost to the aether.
I’m certain it will eventually destroy large swathes of modding communities, with most of the work lost.
Discord already is an information black hole. It’s lucky there’s even a search bar
Yes but wiki’s are hard, so, 🤷♀️
So far, the only Discord servers I’m on are leftists one. The vibe is good. But ya, the format isn’t helpful for trying to get information.
I don’t understand using Discord besides just matchmaking. There’s always 50 chat rooms of various topics going a mile a minute
I’m also super pissed that a podcast forum I used to lurk on for after episode talk shut their message boards down and moved all discussion to Discord.