Biden is a lame duck president with NO PUBLIC MANDATE and subterranean approval rating, he got ousted by his own party before the election for being mentally incapacitated, his defense against a Justice Department inquiry is he’s too old and senile, his party just got BTFO in a national election. No NATO or NATO proxies have ever launched long range missiles into Russia in living memory. How is this guy brump fit for office

STOP EATING CRAYONS AND DO YOUR FUCKING JERB. “Senile old man sends young people to WW3 out of spite”

    4 months ago

    Russia has 10x more personnel and equipment not being used in any way or form in this war. They can double the forces and go harder on the offensive.

    Sources: Am in Russia, business is as usual for the most part.

    Additional source: My nephews who boasted achieving best results in class at riffle re-assembly. Meaning that this soviet-era class is revived and that there is at least a couple dozen rifles in every single school across the country, being used as child’s toys.

    EDIT: Fuck, it’s even worse than I expected — he just launched a motherfucking ICBM, that crazy old bastard.