Biden is a lame duck president with NO PUBLIC MANDATE and subterranean approval rating, he got ousted by his own party before the election for being mentally incapacitated, his defense against a Justice Department inquiry is he’s too old and senile, his party just got BTFO in a national election. No NATO or NATO proxies have ever launched long range missiles into Russia in living memory. How is this guy fit for office
STOP EATING CRAYONS AND DO YOUR FUCKING JERB. “Senile old man sends young people to WW3 out of spite”
That’s just it though, considering that they are the leaders of a giant death cult, many of them probably feel like they got shortchanged when the USSR fell without any nuclear armageddon, not even a little bit.
This could be Biden’s last chance for the Christmas he always really wanted.
I’ve also wondered this. The generation that was promised they would all die in nuclear armageddon so they treated the planet and everyone and everything as if all life was going away anyway not being denied their just deserts.
This also makes the whole Huckabee choice much more foreboding…