All the books and movies about bad stuff all in one! Not really sure where The Matrix fits there…like, is the heritage foundation gonna turn us into computer programs?
There’s something really amusing about all of these being works of fiction.
finally, someone who sees through the bullshit lie known as “Brazil”
EDIT: okay so apparently Brazil is a movie as well as a country. I just assumed whoever made this was dunking on the entire nation of Brazil
It’d a good movie
I’m more amazed Harry Potter wasn’t worked in there
Thry need to keep the safe Potter
vs Voldemort
fan fiction.
Love how the libs discovered Project 2025 approximately 4 months ago and are suddenly up in arms like “Evangelicals gaining power and trying to force Christofascism on the masses!!! THIS IS THE FIRST WE ARE HEARING OF THIS!!!”
Wait until they find out about Reagan
Wait until they find out about Eisenhower and Billy Graham
omg project 2025 is just like the bad guy in the new marvel movie
They should have made Thor and The Hulk their own buddy duo after Ragnarok (one of rhe few not guardians marvel slops I’ve seen) and just went around space and sometimes earth bashing the hell out of shitty people.
‘Hey The Incredible Hulk, there’s no Asgard and clearly outer space is bullshit. I’ve got a hammer that smashes good…’
“Exactly, so let’s just smash stuff we don’t like seeing not smashed. We can call ourselves the Super Smash Brothers!”
So much of this makes no sense. How the fuck is lord of the flies a cross section between 1984, animal farm and faremheight 451, which also makes it Logan’s run if you add Animal Farm to Logans Run? I’ve read/seen all of these and there isn’t any commonality here
I’m more stumped by Handmaid’s Tale + Brave New World = Brazil
Throw in some Fahrenheit 451 and you get the Matrix.
My Thesis on Literature that I live by is that you can bend anything to any interpretation but the further your take strays from authorial intent the more you need to justify that take and this can be taken to absurd extremes if you are really good at bullshitting. This venn diagram proved me wrong
It didn’t disprove your thesis. Libs are really good at bullshitting via
None make any sense
Brazil has far more in common with The Trial than it does with either of those two movies.
The Matrix is outside 1984
It’s all just shit they read/watched in high school
lord of the flies was about a one-party state with mass surveillance and omnipresent propaganda, where all books were burned, and it’s theocratical and any women that can bear children are forced to do so. that’s what happened in the book about boys on an island
Imagine a kid saying “sucks to your as-mar!” To a human face again and again and again
if you take thebasic premise of Lord of the flies, but replace Big brother and surveillance with genetic caste society and consumerist hedonism, you get The Matrix
deleted by creator
they don’t know what a venn diagram is
They’re the thing where you draw circles and write stuff in them.
Clearly, because this isn’t a valid venn diagram
I usually shitpost
but this might actually be justified this time.
I source most of the weird shit I find from Facebook, it’s genuinely the best website for finding just the worst stuff posted with no irony or self awareness.
Soylent green is about literally eating human flesh. I don’t think that’s on the Heritage Foundations list
it’s definitely on their menu though. don’t order the steak tartar at Founding Farmers
what no materialism does to a mfer
As well as having never read high school level books
But where does Harry Potter fit into all of this?
Harry Potter is the only hope against such a diagram of unrelated Dystopia fictions!
Well Drumpfemord and his Death Eaters will implement all those fictional works as policy!
Winston was a reactionary with SA fantasies. The party does nothing wrong by non lethally purging and re-educating him in 1984
Completely unrelated to the content of the post, but this is not a Venn diagram.
This makes me hate venn diagrams less. Thanks.
It’s possibly an Euler diagram though
Yes, it is an Euler diagram, but most non-Math people aren’t aware of those and just call anything with intersecting circles a Venn diagram. Nowhere in this post was it mentioned that this was a Venn diagram, but I can almost guarantee that the chuds who made it called it that.
I originally said definitively that it was an Euler diagram, but it would have to actually represent relationships in order to be one, and I’m not convinced the chuds who made it actually did that
Aside, if people haven’t seen Brazil it is quite good. You probably already know it from the soundtrack
It’s a really damn good movie, watch it folks.
I found a YouTube link in your comment. Here are links to the same video on alternative frontends that protect your privacy:
What do this people have against Brasil?
It’s Brazil they have a problem with.
Ha, funny coincidence, I came across a similar image earlier on the blog of some Bri’ish dude who managed to get himself involuntarily committed for psych evaluation (three times) after trying to warn European officials, via embassy channels, of
the inevitable, ‘unifying’ US/UK-led global fascist militarisation trigger and the impending mobilisation of historically precedented mass-slaughter – on an unprecedented scale.
‘Gaslighting Gilligan’ is a ‘Warning Order’ to global western ‘democracies’ who are all being subjected to joint corporate-political cartel psychological warfare, ‘Dark Triad’ designed to agitate and divide entire populations via identity politics – especially by gender agenda.
Gaslighting Gilligan is the book he wrote to warn us of what Brexit was really about.
I think gaslighting Gilligan is what the Skipper did in that one episode of the TV show.
I thought it was when Tom Hanks convinced the volley ball it was alive.
Just found another Gillie post open in a browser tab. This dude rocks
I’ll take “books I’ve never read” for 500 please
Libs doing the most superficial political analysis ever, Part #41018:
Here we have “Thing A and Thing B are the same”, represented in a graphic. Coulda spent the time making that by articulating an idea, but no.
This is just a more complex version of “Drumpf is Voldemort”
Holy vibes batman