I’ve been experimenting with re-creating the Windows 7 look and feel in Gtk using CSS. It looks super realistic now that Blur My Shell exists!
Please feel free to download the demo off my github and give it a spin! Also, if anyone would like to help with porting some widgets I’d be very greatful! There is quite a lot that I haven’t yet managed to style.
The fact that I hate how this looks is a sign that you did a fantastic job immitating the original.
Hehe happy to hear
This is awesome! I hate it
One thing I always noticed with any of these windows 7 themes is the notable lack of the aero glass texture - aka the diagonal lines that show up atop the aero window effect.
It’s so subtle, but the only way I was ever able to get it working in a Linux environment was with (I think) Emerald and Compiz back in the day. Would be curious to know how possible that is with modern theme engines
Oh, I think that would actually be quite easy to implement. I have full control over how the windows look because they’re decorated on the client-side with a custom Gtk widget library.
I’d certainly be interested in using it if you can do it, would be funny to confuse my coworkers on my next pair programming session
You can use picom with Xfce these days.
Not sure what that has to do with anything? I use picom with i3 already
This is crazy good! It looks so much like the real thing
Woah, is this gnome too?
Thats sick! Good Job!
Thanks! Yeah it’s just a normal GTK app that runs under Gnome.
Edit: not entirely normal. There’s custom widgets for the orbs and titlebars.
Amazed. So realistic. Can we see this theme in full action with taskbar, icons…?
Damn that’s incredible. I’d almost switch DEs for it!
That looks amazing!
Also if you say it has custom widgets as well does that mean it works more like libadwaita than a normal gtk theme?
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