Spoiler image for the super impatient:


  • corsicanguppy@lemmy.ca
    4 months ago

    Honestly, I just want to go through all these sites and red-pen the basic English errors. We’re supposed to be better than this.

    Also, the house is BONKERS-gorgeous. I can dig the quasi-finished basement and the uncovered window near the bath - that’d be fixed soon! - but the painted-wood floors really take me back to my youth (although they were painted for us because we had no money to put proper flooring down). I love the exposed hot-water heating, as our unfinished basement had that along the roof near the support structure, too. For me, this is all retro-based joy.

    But that room; what do you do? Paint would desecrate it, but leaving its eyesore self is also sacrilege. One can only either sell the entire house on as this owner has done, or perhaps find a way to remove the roof and wall panels and rebuild them in some rich wank’s monkey-house somewhere else. Rich bastard’s not taking the floors but he can have the custom finishes too.

    All this for c$8k/mo . That’s double my rent, and we’re really proud of our new apartment, in a big building with AC standard, atop a huge secure garage and in the middle of a relaxing 15-min mini-city design just steps from the metro. I can’t be lured away for double, brick walls and painted mohogany be damned.

    • Squibbles@lemmy.ca
      4 months ago

      I think the solution is to board up the room and leave it for future generations to rediscover and be horrified and mystified on turns