spoiler alert: drivers. it’s all drivers’ fault
I will consider wearing a helmet for the next time I have to sitting in a car.
You should also wear a fireproof coverall, who know
This type of rhetoric really reminds me of the anti maskers. You could also extend it to seat belts as well. There is nothing wrong with wearing a reasonable amount of safety gear. It takes seconds to put on and take off a bike helmet.
Bike helmets are a good idea no matter what cars are doing. You can die from a stationary fall from a bike by hitting your head on the pavement without a helmet. Happened to a person in my friend circle. Girl died on the fucking sidewalk after falling off her bike with no helmet.
Yep. After I had a pretty bad fall without a helmet I will now on always wear a helmet no matter how short the trip.
Yes, helmets are good. I wear one so that when I am thrown from the hood of a car, there is less of a chance of my head opening up when it hits the asphalt.
With that said, I think one of the concepts of this article is that enforcing helmet laws shifts the blame of people getting injured/killed by people operating motor vehicles onto the person on the bicycle. In reality, even with a helmet, being hit by a motor vehicle at 50mph is likely fatal and there are too many examples of drivers killing people on bicycles and then just driving away.
Helmet laws “protect” people on bicycles. Sinces there’s a system to protect them, (helmets) the discussion of safety can end instead of continue on the dangers of road design and motor vehicles themselves. Essentially, the problem of people getting killed/injured on bicycles is a problem with motor vehicles, not helmets.
@RaoulDook @salarua Worth mentioning per distance walked you are most likely to die walking than cycling but if someone tried to introduce a law requiring pedestrians to wear a helmet they would be ridiculed. I assume there is an air quote because helmet laws do not protect cyclists, they actively make things more dangerous
That’s hardly a fair comparison. People are going to travel much greater distances on bike than on foot.
@ch00f “per distance”
I can’t read good