For a long time it was ran on money that Durov made from VK and it’s selling deal and had no ads, almost perfect development. It was a ton of money obviously, but we all knew it would run out sooner or later and then everything change. I bought premium once because I wanted to support the project, and I still use it. Hopefully I won’t have to use anything else, because I hate almost any other messenger.
Everyone else here is forgetting that Telegram is still pushing the limits and it’s still one of the best app for messaging (the best in my opinion though), if they’re recurring to this, it’s because money aren’t unlimited.
Shut the hell up you people: Telegram still isn’t invading privacy and using anti-user practice, the hell you complaining about?
Thank you. I would love to support telegram with premium because they’ve done so much in the past couple years but can’t because I can’t buy premium where I live.
The main thing that frustrates me is not being able to turn off the emoji interface in their official app.
For a long time it was ran on money that Durov made from VK and it’s selling deal and had no ads, almost perfect development. It was a ton of money obviously, but we all knew it would run out sooner or later and then everything change. I bought premium once because I wanted to support the project, and I still use it. Hopefully I won’t have to use anything else, because I hate almost any other messenger.
Everyone else here is forgetting that Telegram is still pushing the limits and it’s still one of the best app for messaging (the best in my opinion though), if they’re recurring to this, it’s because money aren’t unlimited.
Shut the hell up you people: Telegram still isn’t invading privacy and using anti-user practice, the hell you complaining about?
Thank you. I would love to support telegram with premium because they’ve done so much in the past couple years but can’t because I can’t buy premium where I live.
The main thing that frustrates me is not being able to turn off the emoji interface in their official app.
Same, I don’t want stickers, emojis, gifs. My phone and 4G connection really don’t like them but there’s no way to switch them off