thinking-about-it Is there hope?

  • Jabril [none/use name]
    4 months ago

    No it wasn’t, it was suggested with no evidence or grounding in reality, things required of a refutation to refute anything. You have a metaphysical idea that because people in the imperial core are workers somehow they will fight against the system they benefit from because on the other side of that fight the wealth distribution would benefit them more. This rejects a century of communist theory. You have taken out all context and material analysis of the condition of those workers and done class reductionism. People like myself who have actually been doing labor and tenant organizing in the US for years know this from experience. People have had the opportunity to organize the whole time, we have had labor and tenant unions for a long time. People join them to get more for themselves and when they do they move on. These are essentially charities and non profits in the modern context, not tools of political power. workers in the US won’t be organizing shit until the empire collapses, largely due to it’s own weight and not because of any organizing being done. Communists need to be organizing now in preparation for that collapse, but it won’t be until things are incredibly dire that the average imperial core resident are counted among us. Until then it’s going to be a very small amount of people who actually understand what it means to be a communist and will subscribe to that notion, and even many of those will still be plagued with metaphysical thinking and liberal brain rot