thinking-about-it Is there hope?

  • nohaybanda [he/him]
    4 months ago

    I’ll believe in cause for revolutionary optimism when I see it

    Revolutionary optimism is primarily a matter of discipline, you’ll not see it until you start practicing it. That said, our project is international, you certainly don’t have to look to the burgerlanders to move things forward. Westerners in general tend to suffer from main character syndrome and assume that if “big things” are happening on the world stage it is because of them. I’ll not accuse of doing that, but your sentiment is at least a reflection of that mindset. “If the Americans don’t do revolution then there is no cause of revolutionary optimism.” Why?

    Over the last year, especially, it has become abundantly clear that is not the case, and it is the brave fighters of the Resistance in the Middle East, the resurgent independence movements in Africa, the emerging BRICS power block (warts and all) that are the true engine of history. The US and its lackeys have been flailing around and responding to one failure after another, falling back on the same old tricks they learned as a much younger and stronger dog. There’s plenty of reasons to be optimistic, if not certain of victory. As for the American/Western left (true left, not squishy libs) - of course they have their role to play in all this. They just might have to accept they’re not going to be the heroes of this story. And there’s nothing wrong with that.

    • Ivysaur [she/her]
      4 months ago

      I have plenty of optimism for the world; do not assume this “main character syndrome” of me. I merely live here, and I have no illusions about what’s coming at home. That’s all.

      also lol at any of you who say shit like this cos y’all took the mask off back in 21-22 with everyone else I bet, huh? When’s the last time you thought about COVID? Whatever.

      • nohaybanda [he/him]
        4 months ago

        I’m not accusing you of main character syndrome, and I wrote as much in my original comment. But there are parallels in your comments on here, and it doesn’t have to be all or nothing. Elsewhere you wrote that Americans don’t want revolution, they want imperialism. I tend to agree. Thing is, the American empire is in a deep (and, inshallah irreversible) downfall and they may just not get it. As the endless fount of resources and labor stolen from the Third world start to dry up, Capital will (it’s already started, really) squeeze harder at home. This is no reason for optimism on a basic human level, but a very good reason for revolutionary optimism.