I cant stand living in this fake-wannabe democracy. I feel so lonely, nobody shares my views and everytime i try to educate them they mock and ridicule me to oblivion. Western europe truly is a hopeless pile of garbage. Thanks to the social democracies (nice move bourgeois pigs) people dont see the need to overthrow the capitalists when they are already fed the absolute bare minimum (free eduction and healthcare) by them while still being significantly poorer than the capitalists who are still fucking up our economy and politics. People are so liberal here, its like someone made a concentrate of Liberalism and spoon fed it to every-single person from man, woman to baby. *uh but freedome but muh democricuh * i cant hear it anymore. Its not enough that my family is constantly argueing about the shit in ukraine while im just sitting there having to listen 24/7 to “The russians were always authoritarian burglars, thats just their nature” and “Russia needs to be bombed its the only solution”. Oh pls just somebody, China perhaps come and liberate the people from the western hegemony. The west needs to fall and when it does while watch with joy.
ps. Sorry for the outburst here but i really needed to get that out of me
As a Singaporean who is staying in Malaysia, I can relate despite the fact that I’m not even living in a western country. Conservatism is so popular for some reason.
Also as a Malaysian, liberalism is everywhere, although I’d say the west is worse in that regard. At least there is some semblance of a left in Malaysia, with some factions of the DAP and the PSM, and also among the Chinese community in Malaysia. However, with the Perikatan Nasional and PAS in particular getting more power and popularity amongst the Malays, and especially the youth, Malaysia is spiraling down into more fascism, as if Malaysia wasn’t fascist enough. Chin Peng really should have won :(
Almost as if it’s about living under capitalism, and not really “east vs west”
That reason is fear and outrage. People have been convinced this is the best we can do, and they don’t want to be looking at other solutions to their problems. But at the same time they realize that their situation is shitty and want to do something about it. Conservatives and fascists appeal emotionally to the past (“remember when things were better and our country was great”) and offer it as a solution to our problems today, while promising minimal sacrifice required. Instead they throw the blame on easy targets (immigrants, weak politicians, social welfare, our economy is not competitive enough, inneficient bureaucracy, regulations/protections stopping progress, etc) and direct people’s hate towards that.