So, I was watchin episode 1092, where Luffy gets into the fashion booth by accident and gets his fancy future clothes. Shortly after Bonnie, Chopper, an Jimbei go in to get their own. Both when Luffy goes and the 3 go in grabby claws come out of the wall to strip and recloth in future clothing, and knowing what we know bout Bonnie now, it would easily move from awkward to uncomfortable had a different combination of male strawhats were with her at the time But chopper is both the doctor and regularly about the same age emotionally and wouldn’t be peeping while Uncle Jimbei would never even consider anything like that as he’s the good kind of cool Uncle that even at fully grown wouldn’t think of being a creep. Jus a thought I had while watchin. I conned me roommates into watching an they are not up to current in the manga like I am. I can’t wait for the emotional clobbering we are about to receive.

    4 months ago

    Considering that Vegapunk is a genius, it’s safe to say that dividers pop out when there are multiple occupants.