Between the genocide and the Cheney’s. Absolutely disgusted and saddened by this world lately.

Yes I’m glad Kamala ate shit in this election, the Democrats deserve to lose forever. I am starting to lose remaining respect for people irl who still support them and it pains me because people I love have abstracted and dismissed a genocide as an “election issue”.

  • Adkml [he/him]
    4 months ago

    Yea the abortion issue is a tough seel since if they were being honest it would be “elect us and we’ll get back that thing that we lost through our inneffecriveness”

    It’s very telling that they aren’t even campaigning on progress. Climate change and m4a weren’t even mentioned during this campaign.

    “Elect us and well undue all the setbacks that happened under our leadership in the last 4 years” isn’t motivating anybody.