I always hit snooze on my alarm clock, but I jump right out of bed if I hear someone puking or gagging (e.g., kids or my dog).
Going through that every morning will shorten your lifespan.
You say that like it’s a bad thing. 😉
A cat puke has me out of the bed in .03 seconds. Even in REM.
You would immediately become desensitized to it.
Also, you could just set that. I have a custom ringer on mine.
I used to have a TV which had a setting that would turn it on and go to a specific channel at a set time. I would set it to go to the history channel every morning because they would play random stuff from their archives in the morning, so it was impossible to get fully desensitized. One day I’d wake up to the history of candy, the next day it’d be the history of stealth aircraft, the next day it’d be the history of the klan (that was not the best way to start the day).
This sounds like a feature music streaming services should introduce with the sync up to your phone’s alarm
The alarm app I use allows for playlists to be used as the alarm, and I have a different one set for every day of the week. It’s not quite as effective at preventing me from tuning it out, but that’s balanced out by the fact that I have to solve puzzles and math problems to turn it off. Combined with an alarm clock that has a light that slowly turns on in a simulated sunrise and it’s pretty effective.
I put my alarm as birds chirping for a while. The problem was that I couldn’t sleep in any longer on weekends, because the birds chirping outside would wake me up.
Record your child when they are young… There is some internal biological thing going on. My daughter could wake me up out of a slumber that a freight train running by my pillow would not.
I think even an infant crying would get most people, even if childless.
I hate that you’re right
I fear the result would be slower reactions for the real event.
The sound has to rotate randomly.
That’s a great idea. Maybe make it so you can load up as many customizable sounds as you like, and they randomly shuffle each time.
We should compile a playlist.
- jackhammer
- air raid siren*
- trumpet reveille
- taiko drumming
- “eagle” (i.e. hawk) cry
- monkeys screeching
- Woody fuckin Woodpecker laugh
- applause
- theme from Rawhide
*maybe don’t use this one in tornado country. Don’t desensitize oneself to actual emergency warning tones.
Here are some more ideas
- A cat drops a vase on the floor, resulting in the sound of glass shattering and water splattering.
- A burglar throws a brick through your living room window and proceeds to clear the rest of the glass with the barrel of a shotgun.
- The washing machine upstairs starts leaking, the floor is completely flooded and water begins to seep from your ceiling.
- A toaster catches fire, flames engulf the kitchen, molten plastic drips on the floor, burning furniture begins to crumble.
- A squirrel sneaks in through an open window and finds a box of cereal in the kitchen. It chews the box open and makes a nest in there.
Oh, you mean the sound of intense radiation roasting the paint off the walls for a few seconds, followed by a shock wave that shreds the entire building in a split second?
Yeah, that should do the trick.
- mice in walls
- squirrel in ceiling
- racoon in floor
- elderly neighbors talking without hearing aids
- pounding on the door
- scratching at the door
- “eagle” (i.e. actual) cry
Because it would be funny.
The sound of a dog making the “uck uck uck uck uck uck uck bleeeech” gets me out of bed fast.
Oh, I thought only cats did that!
are you okay
Ha! Yes. Thanks for asking.
I was woken up this morning by my dog yakking. She’s fine, but it got me thinking how I don’t usually get up so easily with a regular alarm.
A friend of mine had an alarm clock with big rubberized wheels on it that would drive around the room as it went off, so you had to get out of bed to turn it off.
That lasted a few weeks before he grabbed it and chucked it as hard as he could against a wall while still half asleep, then went back to sleep.
like those cartoon characters that hit their clock with a hammer
Cat puking noises wake me up every fucking time so you’re onto something.
A baby crying
a young woman’s scream
less so would be
a grown man screaming in agony … (something along the lines of saying something like 'OH GOD, MY LEG, MY LEG, OH GOD, GOD NO, MY LEG!!!, OH GOD, HELP ME, MY LEG!!)
For a short while when I was having trouble waking up, I used a goat scream (the goat scream) for my alarm. It’s close enough to a woman’s scream and I gotta say, yes it woke me up, but god, do not do that to yourself.
I wish women’s screams still riled me. It’d sure make mornings a lot easier.
The Sonic drowning soundtrack will wake me out of a dead fucking sleep. That’s what I use for alarms that I can’t afford to sleep through.
That’s too much stress to wake up with. Pretty sure my heart rate spiked a bit just reading the words “sonic drowning soundtrack”
This is why I use this music with a care. To not only stay sensitive to it, but also due to not having to absolutely be up for something every day.
And I thought I was extra for using a rooster sound.
Mine works just fine. Thanks.
My theory is that if we split people into two groups - those who hit snooze and those who don’t - and dropped them on a desert island to survive, one group would rebuild civilization while the other descended into chaos and perished.
“There is another theory which states that this has already happened.” — Douglas Adams
That’s why I always use same ringtone fort both alarm and calls. Sort of programmed my brain to register it as important unless I am exhausted and in deep sleep then nothing wakes me up.
Edit: it’s important to note that I almost never snooze. I just set another alarm if I needed few more hours or just power through it.
I don’t have a dog or kids, I am not scared of puke. I just set the alarm early and snooze. Take my time to wake up