“We’re here to extract all your planet’s natural resources”
“You too?”
You are 4000 years to late, we already wage war against each other for that stuff for a loooooooong time…
It kind of kills the whole “alien invasion for resources” trope that every movie and book uses. Not only is there much more out there before they even get to us, it’s pure and not full of plastic.
Its also not radioactive… (yes our steel has changed since the 30s)
Asteroid belt is the place to go.
We do have some fun things here though like the methane clathrates.
Alien: Silence mortals! Our ai machines will replace you all!
Oh yes please! We don’t want to work, you know…
I’ve heard rumors that nobody wants to work anymore.
Strangely enough, from all the people I know and talk to, they’re saying that they’re working harder than they ever have and still struggle to make ends meet…
Very odd.
Wait till he find out how we “socialize” with less capable species like cows, pigs, chickens and fishes
If it has a hole…
I always expected it to be more like Peter Jackson’s Bad Taste.
We’re like dumb cattle to them. We’re the resource to be harvested and eaten. In Bad Taste’s case, as a fast food item.
Someone wake me when this isn’t just some distraction from some other, actually important, issue.
When congress suddenly works together and suddenly putting aside all the partisan bullshit, it’s usually bad for regular people.
See: The PATRIOT Act.
This recent hearing likely will result in increased military funding so you’re not too far off
Alien: “We’ve come to rule you.”
Dude: “Cool.” points at DC “One of our leaders spaced out yesterday for like 12 seconds and crapped his pants on live television yesterday. You can start there.”
“Hmm… we really only wanted to rule over you to harvest your species’ brain power through an interface with our computational networks. This… just won’t do. Later losers!”
You mean a network where everyone is connected and contributing to a shared goal? Where we are all one with everything around us and all the differences in our personalities gets recognized in a post scarcity environment?
“I for one welcome our new overlords. What’s our purpose?” “Destroy.”
Did he actually shit himself, and if yes, do you have a cite for that? I dessssprately need that to be true.
Someone check his diaper.
This has been the response to everything that’s come out since the Nimitz Incident. Bigger revelations have come out in the last seven years than in the last seventy. We’re tired, and we’re scared, I think. Aliens are going to need to really shake their cans if they want us to care.
We’re tired, and we’re scared, I think.
Worse, we’re used to being tired and scared. We’re apathetic to our own anxieties and exhaustion. The only thing to fear is not fear itself. It’s complacency toward fear.
When I trawl the net for UFO stuff, what I see more than anything is people hoping for a savior. People hoping that aliens will save us from our economy, from climate change, from religion, from fascism, from war, from nuclear weapons, from disease, from Republicans, from Democrats, from progressives, from regressives, and mostly from ourselves.
I’ve been speculating that that fear is a driving force for a lot of the current UFO craze. We’re in a dangerous time, things are only getting worse, and people are becoming desperate for a superhero to come and save the day.
I think we’re more scared that there aren’t aliens, sometimes.
Sounds like a half-self-aware version of “Great Man” thinking, just with the caveat that there aren’t actually any among humanity.
But actually, I think you’re right. It’s easier and more palatable to our narrative-hungry minds to believe that we’ll get some sort of cinematic climax before the credits roll, history ends, and we walk out of the theater, than to realize that the world can both be unimaginably shitty and also incredibly boring. If the world doesn’t end, or if this isn’t the end of history (I think a deus ex machina utopia granted by the aliens falls in this category) we might have to confront the grim reality of slow, complicated, and mostly nameless problems. And that’s a lot like waking up one day and realizing your parents are real people who don’t know everything, and one day they won’t be around to deal with things for you.
I’ve had similar thoughts about other conspiracy-type thinking like the illuminati but yeah, makes sense that it would apply to aliens as well.
As the only Libertarian I will ever agree with once said,
I would normally agree with you, but I’m not so bad… 😜
Aliens start clapping cheeks
Depending on who you ask, they already are >_>
Do we have a UFO Lemmy yet?
I don’t even know how to find a sublemmy. I just sort by top 12 hours and enjoy the memes and the vibe.
deleted by creator
Whoa… Are you THE Sprog?
Business as usual…
When they told us Putin is going to nuke us everyone I know was like “oh well…”
That’d suck because I know he doesn’t have enough to share with the whole class. The radiation is gonna be cold by the time it gets around to us, so we’ll have to live through the aftermath.
I guess I should consider myself lucky to live in a decently sized population center? I just hope I have time to flip Nelnet the bird before I’m flash-incinerated.
The Three Body Problem handled this scenario masterfully.