Ok a 50 page memo? That’s pretty friggin long. Depends how many of those you get a day.
I summed up this highly classified memo into Trump’s sort of bombastic language because it was the only way he was gonna understand," Taylor added. “I mean, I literally said in there, ‘You know, if we leave Afghanistan too fast, the terrorists will call us losers. But if we wanna be seen as winners, we need to make sure the Afghan forces have the strength to push back against these criminals.’ I mean, it was that dumb and that’s how you had to talk to him.”
#ExplainlikeImTrump needs to be a thing
Please no…
I could take about 30 seconds of it, but nothing more.
When /Explainlikeimfive is too complicated.
Jesus fucking Christ man, what the actual fuck?
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No. The President of the United States of America needs to be able to internalize and contextualize the details of the current geopolitical climate over corn flakes. This “only human” bullshit has got to go.
Absolutely agree with you. The point I wanted to make is that there are different ways to summarise, say, in this example, a 50-page memo. The sad thing here is how the official needed to resort to the good versus evil false dichotomy. This oversimplification to have been required because, unfortunately, Trump is stupid.
I guess I’m saying that it’s a shame that there are probably a lot of smart people trying to make sense of all the geopolitics, picking things apart, critical thinking… but in the end it was all for nought; they had to appeal to someone - Trump - who never really wanted to, nor was able to, internalise or contextualise it.
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Hey. Be nice. Feel free to go back to reddit with that shit attitude.
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There’s nothing nonsensical about their comment. Long winded? Absolutely. Do you not agree with it? Probably, but just because you don’t like it doesn’t make it nonsensical.
But even if it did make no sense, there’s no excuse for personal attacks. That’s just being shitty.
Don’t shit this place up like Reddit. It’s not welcome here.
Haha yes I think you’re right! I find it difficult. And I’m interested in getting better at it. That’s part of the reason why I like discussing stuff on Lemmy. Do you have any tips?
I think my original comment was taken as if I was excusing Trump. That sucks. I wanted to convey the opposite :(
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Thanks :) I think I’ll follow that advice, especially on political forums! My clumsy wording aiming to criticise Trump was taken the wrong way and generated negativity. Thanks for your time.
Yep, it’s literally the job (or what it should be).
Yeah I’m a normal human and I have no trouble reading at a highschool level why can’t the president do it?
I mean, I know that you are making fun of me, and I would like to point out that I’m speaking about the former president, but yes.
A 50 Page memo is too long. It is relevant for the discussion of the details between the specialised people, so they reach a highly qualified opinion, but the cause and effects of different decision options need to be summarised on a few pages. Of course the president needs to be able to understand what the bullet points entail, but it is literally impossible for a president of a country the size of the US to read up on the details of every decision.
If you are running for POTUS you should be able to effectively skim things like this. If 50 pages is “too long” for you then you lack the skills needed to do the job properly. Trump lacked those skills
What is the point of a 50 Page Memo that you just skim through, easily overlooking stuff, instead of having a 5 page comprehensive summary?
Any good leader needs to delegate things. If he cant trust people with making summarys and understand these, instead relying on his quick-read-hopefully-not-overlook-something skills, then that is terrible for the country.
Also again, giving your boss something to read expecting he only reads a quarter of, is both a failure of your boss and you, as you are wasting each others time this way.
Ibdon’t doubt that stuff had tobbe dumped down forbTrump, but amount of pages is not a good metric and the more pages a memo has, the more it gets questionable if it is an appropriate mean of communication
If they give memos like that to any other president, I would assume it has merit.
I suspect most world leaders would have people who have the necessary expertise to condense that down and just give them the high level overview. Dense and technical. Sit down with those advisors and talk through the pros and cons. Probably pull out the original 50 page document in places to “zoom in” on details.
But following the Trump administration, he got rid of anyone around him who wasn’t a sycophant, so that limits his choice of staff somewhat, leaving the guy who’d normally submit a 50 page memo and assume the president read it all (along with dozens of other similar size memos from other departments), to break it down himself, like feeding a toddler by pretending the spoon is an aeroplane.
I mean, other Presidents and high level defense officials seem to be handling it just fine. I’d also bet that there are pictures, charts, and supporting information in that 50 pages, and that the actual meat of the document is going to be smaller. I’ve read plenty of 50 page documents like that. It doesn’t take that long and Trump definitely had the time. He spent many mornings live tweeting Fox News
i’m sure that Trump had things dumbed down for him. But what is the point of giving someone 50 pages to just read a few off? And “taking that long” is relative. For these kind of reports or so at work, reading them properly takes at least 2 hours. So if the president gets 5 if these on his desk he calls it a day and gets back to governing the next day, when he is finished reading?
Crossreading is also terrible, as it easily overlooks maybe critical information. Have someone write a comprehensive summary and give the president time to actually think about which decision is best.
We’re getting off on a little bit of a tangent about proper memo reading but usually the point of supporting information is that you don’t know if the reader is going to need it. You don’t have a full picture of what the president knows already and you have no way of knowing how the president’s thought process is going to go. They might need more information about something that happened or a decision being made to help inform their decisions or they might not, because it’s not really relevant to the direction they want to go. Sure, 50% of it might go unread but you never know what info will fall into that 50%, exclude it and the document is incomplete.
Ultimately, though, the point remains that the memo sizes haven’t really been a problem for others. Typically you don’t make it that high up without being an extremely effective reader. It’s just that this time we wound up with someone unfit and in way over his head.
I’m sure the professionals across the different departments of the government that report directly to the most important person in the country have no idea how to write effective memos. You should go over to DC and educate them with your wisdom.
There is a succinct summary and then there is saying things like “If we don’t do this, the bad guys win,” which is the level of dumbing down that had to be done.
deep state n. 1. People in government who don’t stop doing their jobs just because there was an election; e.g. police and prosecutors who continue to pursue murderers without asking the new mayor whether to let that one go. 2. (Federal) People in government capable of reading at an 8th-grade level or higher.
Nothing new here. We heard things like this a few months into his presidency.
and even before it began. “Official close to the matter says that transition team briefings have to be written in crayon using words with fewer than three syllables. …”
And they have to make sure they don’t use any of the good tasting colours just in case Trump gets hungry while ‘drafting documents’.
Trump can’t draft anything… bone spurs
Wait I thought he wasn’t in the military.
Is it stolen honor to pretend to be a marine by eating crayons?
We started hearing things like this in the 1980s.
At this point it’s like saying that water is wet.
I can’t be the only one not surprised by this
I’d be surprised if it doesn’t come out that he had to have people read documents to him. because he can’t read.
The ghostwriter for “Art of the Deal” said “I seriously doubt that Trump has ever read a book straight through in his adult life.”
My first thought
I think we both know…that THERE’S NO FILM IN THAT CAMERA!
I am. I was surprised he actually gave him words. I figured it’d be pictures
If only I could be so grossly incandescent…
Praise the sun!
Can’t believe I’ve not seen this ascii art before, that’s great.
Stare directly into it’s amazing grace!
Meritocracy is an illusion
Politics is literally a popularity contest, not a meritocracy.
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Just threw up a little. Thanks
Maybe if they have it to him in the form of a picture book…
Equal rights for stupidly incandescent lights!
It seems that people got a little twisted over this.
incandescent ĭn″kən-dĕs′ənt adjective Emitting visible light as a result of being heated. Shining brilliantly; very bright. synonym: bright. Characterized by ardent emotion, intensity, or brilliance.
Yes, if you leave out the word ‘stupid’ from the phrase where those two words were obviously meant to go together, you would have a point.
I didn’t have a point. I thought it was an odd choice of words, so I looked up the definition and posted it. And then wake up to downvotes for something I meant to be benign. Not everything has an agenda.
That’ll teach you to share the definitions of words for everyone’s benefit!
And you expect Biden to have a sound mind to understand these memos, let alone to actually remember them for more than a day? Compared to the elderly and dementia patient Biden, Trump is a theoretical physics professor.
No. We aren’t debating this. There aren’t two sides here. No one is buying your what about bullshit.
Yes, Trump is VERY good with the nuclear! He could have discovered the atomic bomb if he was born a little earlier!
Anyway, if you listen to Biden speak for more than 10 second clips on Fox or some pathetic internet underbelly, it’s extremely obvious that is not accurate. He can answer questions and sound normal for 30-60 minutes, but if he stumbles over a word internet pundits, Fox, newsmax etc will jerk off about it for months. Meanwhile a speech by Trump is basically him talking about how great he is, interrupting himself, sneering and insulting various people for 45 minutes.
My grandpa passed away from Alzheimer’s. He needed help swallowing and he had to have a cup strapped to his hand when drinking (through a straw) because his muscles forgot how to grip. Biden is fine.
There is no evidence Biden has dementia. None.
It’s always hilarious seeing common people desperately sucking corporate or politician cock. Who named Biden dude?
Cool, so Trump is now the same age Biden was when he gearing up for this presidency. People with your (incorrect) view were saying Biden was too old then. So that means Trump’s too old now, right? I’d also love to know why a life long stutter equates to dementia. If that’s true, then people I know have had dementia since they learned to talk.