By prophecy fulfilled — do you mean the part of the Bible where people start getting fooled by the antichrist?
Hooray jeebus is coming back to judge everyone and send all the bad people to be tortured forever, as any benevolent deity would do.
Goddamn fucking assclown motherfucking hypocritical shitheaded bastards! FUCK THEM.
You forgot the part where the Rapture happens BEFORE the millennium, meaning that all these Christians just get to sit in Heaven and laugh at the sinners. Evangelicalism in the US is heavily premillennial.
As a reminder, helping the Antichrist bring about the end times does not earn them a spot in heaven, but rather in the lake of fire that burns with sulfur.
Well it did say large part of Christian would gladly line up and have the mark stamp to their fourhead.
Look at the mega hat and see how they aren’t wrong.
Can these people just have their rapture already and leave us to get on with our lives?
Honestly, they are just in denial that it happened so long ago and they are the unwanted damned left behind.
This was prophesied? I must have missed that page in the Bible.
There is a part of the bible about lusting after donkey dicks and horse jizz.
Not quite, its lusting after lovers with those traits.
god damn I hate religion
I think I’m starting to understand the Fermi paradox.
Religions are literally mass cults
The only real difference between a cult and a religion is that the person who started it is dead.
Real estate. The religions have more real estate, the cults are just pikers.
Wrong prophesy, dipshits. He’s not King Cyrus. He’s just a senile pervert and you, Trump voter, are the reason we’re not able to address global warming or even people pissing everywhere in public bathrooms.
Ya, Revelations maybe…
That is exactly what they were hoping for, actually.
Trump does fit the Nostradamus prophecy for the 3rd anti crist
God isn’t real dipshits.
Ah yes, revelations. Legitimately the most interesting part of the Bible.
I kind of fucked up today and while going on a rant of how stupid these people were I equated them to believing in Santa in front of my one kid. Fortunately she’s young enough I played it off…
Fucking bitter clingers.