• ThatOneKrazyKaptain@lemmy.world
    4 months ago

    Also 2020 Trump was still struggling with Hispanics. The 2015 rhetoric really hurt him there. Too fucking late to put that genie back in the bottle. It’s gone man, solid gone

    • niucllos@lemm.ee
      4 months ago

      I don’t understand how the rhetoric this time didn’t hurt him there tbh, he didn’t change it really

      • ThatOneKrazyKaptain@lemmy.world
        4 months ago

        He stopped saying Mexicans or Hispanics and started saying Illegals for the most part. Boom.

        Also I’ve seen a lot of ‘first they came for the socialists’ type posting about that. In a fucked up way that’s actually the outcome the Democrats want. The other option is the Hispanics became ‘honorary whites’, the next Italian or Irish. Hispanic isn’t even really a race in the sense that black or white or asian(or native american, technically those two are one race sorta long story), it’s Mixed, European White - Slave Black - Native Mesoamerican, just mixed and mixing with other mixed so long you can’t really pick it out. We usually call the whiter ones Hispanics and the ones with a lot more Native or Black mestizo or creole or…Native and Black. Hispanic Culture is heavily christian and European influenced, it can be integrated into that coalition without too much trouble.

        If the established second generation Hispanics settle into reliable Republican or even just the men, that’s a Southern Strategy tier realignment. The Democrats are fucked for a generation. Outgroups don’t stay Outgroups forever, and we know how European Cultured Religious ‘in-groups’ do in the USA.