Are we going to have movie discussions here like /r/movies used to do? I want to talk about and hear what people thought of Oppenheimer. Is there already a post for Oppenheimer/should I just make one? (Sorry, I’m using Lemmy from the Thunder app and can’t figure out if I’m able to search for posts)
Be the change you wish to see. Make a post!
Here you go:
Maybe a mod could pin those, or create a specific communities for reviews, so that users can find those threads more easily?
OMG, that linked post is insane! That is great!
Sounds good…in theory. How do you propose this happens?
Would you want a (for example) “Oppenheimer: Review Thread” (or some other wording…“General Discussion”?) pinned thread created by the mods (gulp! that’s me!) and/or community members. It could work…? Maybe a specific new community like ! (don’t click the link, it doesn’t exist yet!)? You think everyone would post to just that specific community’s movie-specific thread? Hmmmm. Now I’m having my doubts, thinking we’re gonna have to
corral a lot of catsdelete a bunch of misplaced posts. But never let it be said @jayrod or @King Mongoose aren’t open to new ideas!But this is the wrong community to discuss this. I have just created a pinned post in Meta to discuss this intriguing idea. Follow me, my rats…! There’ll be cake for everyone!
To be honest, I would keep it easy and just do it as they do in ! with their two pinned threads for Barbie and Oppenheimer, and that’s it.
Hi there! Looks like you linked to a Lemmy community using a URL instead of its name, which doesn’t work well for people on different instances. Try fixing it like this: !
Lemmy Film actually just started a discussion on whether to make a community specifically for new release threads:
Already some suggestions and a new post here, but also check out ! if you haven’t sub’d yet. The more communities you have the more likely you’ll see fresh discussion!
I seem to be having problems federating with from my instance for some reason 🤔