My personal opinion, for those who are interested, is that these two instances (Hexbear and Lemmygrad) are filled with what we call here nazbols, tankies, or even left-wing fascists.
They are primarily authoritarians who like to call themselves leftist, but use the same tools, have the same political vision, the same organization, and politically and historically tend to ally with “official” fascists as soon as a truly revolutionary leftist movement emerges.
I found it tolerable to “do nothing” as long as they stayed in their corners, but I had somewhat forgotten that an authoritarian remains an authoritarian and that the only place they deserve is down a well, not forgetting to strike the hands that try to escape with a big stick.
I don’t understand why they keep linking to your original comment as if you said something unhinged. I’m french myself and I agreed with what you said:
Yes, France should stop occupying the Sahel
Yes, France should give back all the gold it stole from Africa
Anansi and Camus keep saying that they are leftists, but leftists are anti-colonial, so what does it make them if they disagree with that?
Honestly, if the Lemmy userbase wasn’t that small, it wouldn’t surprise me that jlailu is a DGSI operation to stop french people from going too far left and actually start threatening the geopolitical interests of the french bourgeoisie, because the things those guy say really don’t add up with who they say they are.
These brainless fascist morons want to report the site to whatever the fuck “Pharos” is (probably their equivalent of the SS - YEP literally the fucking SS) because they’re angry at the
Imagine calling yourselves “leftists” while throwing a hissy fit and threatening to report some obscure website to the fascists bastards directly arming the genocide in gaza because we have an emoji of your precious imperialist symbol burning.
Shout out to whoever*removed*ataire is what a legend.
Oh my, they actually want to report the communists to the regime.
It turns out never left Vichy France. They completely dropped the leftist mask.
Fucking called it; nazis to the fucking marrow.
That is kind of delicious.
“You tankies always side with Fascism!”
*literally actually reports the tankies to the French state so the French cops can shut down the mean tankies*
Holy shit I just went to brodie soumerd’s page bc I remember that poster well enough to know their username seeing how our filters Sc/thorpe’d them-- and lemme tell you, I love seeing infographics that prove my point.
It will never not be funny to me that cracker Camus is in buddy-buddy with people who was talm bout “throw communists down wells and break their hands with sticks when thy try to climb out” on some TEMU Pinochet shit, but wants to cry like a freshly-shorn castrati because I want all colonizers and settlers on the planet to pay every last bit of restitution they owe, to the pain if not diplomatically.
(And no, I don’t think you crackers ever will pay what you owe of your own volition. I’m not that naive.)
No throwing rocks and hiding hands, cracker; that’s law. I stand ten toes down on everything I said.
Will you, Camus? Will you, ‘anansi’?
EDIT: ALSO, ALSO; how the fuck can one Amerikan Black them possibly call the entirety of the Alliance of Sahel States to action, to violence? Explain to me how you frog-assed cacs think that’s possible. Do you think I’m Ibrahim Traoré in the flesh? Do you think I am Julius Malema? Do you think I’m the second coming of Sankara?
Here’s the difference between us and jlai: I want y’all Carthage’d for all you’ve done over hundreds of years to not just the motherland but its diaspora. For centuries of ongoing malfeasance. You could run up on your leaders today, end it all, divest all ties, and I’d embrace you as brothers; but I’m not that naive. You, on the other hand, want us beaten and incarcerated because we hurt your fragile-assed feelings LAST WEEK. Death to the settler; especially the ignorant ones that can’t wrap their minds around how more than one western power built its fortunes off the back of the slave trade and colonialism, both classical and modern.
Vous crackers, êtes les choses les plus méprisables que j’aie jamais vues; et je ne prie que pour que malheur soit sur vous et sur la lignée qui vous suivra.
Can you link the comment Soumerd_whatever is getting caught in the slur filter.
Sure thing here is a link to their most recent comment
Pfffff. Some leftists. The only ‘left’ about them is the side of their bodies they wear their collaborator-assed armbands on.
Here’s the thing about crackers, regardless of the country they (illegitimately) occupy: calling out their plunder is always considered the highest faux-pas. These crackers like to feign erudition and high-road moralism at all times; pointing out the fact that even the lowest pirate or buccaneer has more of a code of honor about them than what global crackery could ever muster might as well be an open declaration of war.