My personal opinion, for those who are interested, is that these two instances (Hexbear and Lemmygrad) are filled with what we call here nazbols, tankies, or even left-wing fascists.
They are primarily authoritarians who like to call themselves leftist, but use the same tools, have the same political vision, the same organization, and politically and historically tend to ally with “official” fascists as soon as a truly revolutionary leftist movement emerges.
I found it tolerable to “do nothing” as long as they stayed in their corners, but I had somewhat forgotten that an authoritarian remains an authoritarian and that the only place they deserve is down a well, not forgetting to strike the hands that try to escape with a big stick.
He is a disgrace to the name ‘Anansi’ frankly. I hope that’s a white frenchman; because if there’s even a lick of melanin on them? Here’s what I see:
Standard frog, or comprador? A mystery for the ages. Would be fitting for the French to steal from the Akan people, as the British did.
My bet always sides on the latter there; nazi collaboration is in their blood.
I’m an American
but every time I speak about decolonization people look at me like I just ate their baby in front of them.
would rather side against victims of settler-colonialism and perpetuate the bloodthirsty cycle of parasitic violence than dare take a peak beyond the curtain to see where their spoils came from. The French are no different with this regard.
Even if they do see it, they then try to rationalize it and justify it. Just racism the whole way down.
Thought I was the only one that felt some type of way
Thought I was the only one that felt some type of way
I like how you called them Temu Pinochet, maybe that should be their official nickname so we won’t be sullying the name Anansi any further by associating it with them.
I’m down with it