As a kid i loved watching the next generation and deep space 9 with my dad. Ive always liked sci fi, more of a (stargate fan) and wanted to get back into star trek, but Im just so lost on timelines and whats going on. There are like 6 kirks and I have no idea how/where to get started with watching this again.
After being gone from it since Star Trek Enterprise, my wife and I got back in with Star Trek Lower Decks (oddly enough). If you can handle it being animated (and goofy), it is actually a very dearly written love-letter to TNG and some of the most important moments in Star Trek lore. We appreciated that it didn’t try to reinvent characters that already exist, and did a good job of bringing on old actors for cameos. They bring on people from TNG, Deep Space Nine, and Voyager all the time to reprise their roles.
There’s a live-action Star Trek currently running that I can’t attest to, but it has a crossover with Lower Decks that means I’m going to give it a try.
My friend. Watch Strange New Worlds. Best Trek since TNG (imho).
It does lean a little towards the silly more than I’d generally like, but even the silly is good.
And the cross over episode was top notch.
I really need to give that a try, I haven’t got round to it, but I keep seeing recommendations
Ill give Lower decks a shot!
I do have to say one of the things that has turned me off from the ones I’ve tried to start up is the repeated attempts to revive/reinvent the old characters. Not a fan of reboots.
Lower Decks does have some legacy characters as guest stars. Riker, Paris, Troi, Q, Quark, Kira and a few others all make appearances. But those are cameo type appearances and the focus of the show is on new characters.
I’m the same way regarding reboots. that’s the main reason I really dislike discovery’s 1st season and certain plot points. while Strange New Worlds is a reboot of sorts as well it is amazing. it’s just a real shame certain things are going to have to be “undone” to line up with existing canon as SNW has done an exceptional job all around and the changes they’ve made work really well.
Such a surprisingly good show. I expected just a complete clown show but most of of the episodes are well written and the characters actually do grow over time. I love how Boimler has a nerdgasm at the mention of anyone from TNG, DS9, or Voyager. Even the intro theme really fits the vibe of TNG and i watch it every time. Them noping out of the borg fight cracks me up every time. I use arch btw.
Watching this now. I’m enjoying it more than I expected and would also recommend it.
Same here. Was not a fan of the original animated series, but Lower Decks is really fun.
I love the original animated series. It’s really laid back and relaxing and they get to do weirder stories. TOS would never have Kirk learning magic so he can fight in a wizard battle to save Satan.
I haven’t watched the new season of strange new worlds but it’s certainly a star trek show more so than discovery. Strange new worlds listened to the fan complaints and went more towards TOS in feel
I’m reiterating, watch SNW!
you’re missing out. I’m a 90s trek girl however SNW has the right amount of cheese for it to be really great and easier to watch than TOS
Season one of Lower Decks almost put me off the show entirely. It’s trying to hard to be Rick and Morty in Star Trek. There’s a particular joke about what people do in the holodeck that is so trite and obvious I almost stopped watching right there.
It does find its own much more gentle tone after that, though. I actively like it now. I’d start in Season 2, but it’s not a bad way to keep it light and episodic. I still think Season 1 of Strange New Worlds is an easier transition from the old shows, though.
I think you make a good point. Some of the humor is pretty low for a Star Trek medium. It does catch its stride as it goes along.