From on MGM+ is absolutely fantastic. I love the mystery, the horror, and everything else about it. I am excited to see where it goes. I also absolutely love Foundation on Apple TV+, amazing CGI and fantastic world (or universe) building.
Black books
Dammit, now you’ve mentioned it, I’m going to have to watch every episode again for the 11th time.
Fabulous show. Always frustrated me how much bigger The IT Crowd was than BB.
Frustrated? You need the little book of calm
I think I’ll just drink heavily and shout at things!
Father ted over BB tho.
Tough call for me, love them both!
Well we can both agree that it crowd is third place, no?
Definitely. And there shall be no mention of Count Arthur Strong.
I love them all*, but the IT Crowd is at the top for me
(*Graham Linehan is a prick)
Dreadful bastard of a person, definitely.
I ate your bees!
Hands down it has to be Fringe, amazing cast, great premise and manages to transition from monster of the week - a la X Files - to a fully immersive story that is action packed and tugs at your heartstrings. I’m not sure what platform it’s available on these days, but I’m sure you can sail the high seas if need be.
Oh, and it’s 5 seasons that actually has an ending, unlike many shows on streaming these days!
Yeah good call fringe was a great show that didn’t outstay it’s welcome.
I really enjoyed “Travellers” a 3 season showcase/Netflix time travel show where time travellers possess the bodies of people right before they are going to die and try to stop the apocalypse.
i was a afraid of watching this show because it felt like it netflix would cancel it before it got an ending; was i right?
It has a real ending, Season 3 ends in away that would make if difficult (but not impossible) to continue the show.
ends in away that would make if difficult (but not impossible) to continue the show.
but netflix does and that’s what i’m referring to; i’ve been avoiding starting any netflix shows because of it.
thanks for sharing; now that i know it has an ending i’ll finish watch it.
Came here to post this. It’s such a good show and a lot of people haven’t heard of it
Lexx - The Dark Zone.
Pure Canadian-German Madness with a really great cast and the wildest stories ever. And what other show has a certified anti hero as starship captain?
Few things have made me laugh as hard as that coked up vegas mummy snorting a box of omo and going on a rampage foaming bubbles everywhere
I didn’t know this had a show, I found a random VHS of The Lexx movie at a thrift store and watched that though, odd movie, but I keep watching it. I guess I need to download the show now!
Farscape, Red Dwarf
It’s worth watching red dwarf all the way to reach the Arnold Rinmer song
Or the dream sequence for the cat for tongue tied.
First thing that popped into my mind: Galavant. It’s a prime time network fantasy comedy from a writer of Cars and Tangled, teamed up with the composer from Beauty and the Beast and The Little Mermaid.
It’s like if The Princess Bride was two seasons of musical television with songs from the golden 90’s era of Disney. In a just world, it’d have six seasons and a movie.
Oh Galavant, Galavant
It’s the only show where I’ve sat down with multiple people and forced them to watch.
So far it was all success, and everyone loved it. I’ve seen the whole show more times than anything else, and the soundtrack is coming back to my music rotation from time to time.
It’s just a superb production, with great sets, amazing actors, and absolutely bonkers soundtrack.
Better off Ted
10/10, so underrated I wouldn’t have even remembered to recommend it.
Utopia (UK 2 season version)
Utopia (Channel 4) has an impeccable vibe. I’m really sad that we didn’t get more of it because of the drama with rights after Amazon bought them
The Mighty Boosh!
The masses know nothing of the crunch. They’ve never even been to the crunch.
Raised by wolves (cancelled)
Dark angel
First Wave
Seven days
The peripheral (cancelled)
Dark matter (the Canadian one, cancelled)
Dark matter (the new one)
Outer range
See (appletv)
Raising hope
War of the words (2019)
The guild (Felicia Day web series)
Con Man (Alan Tudyk web series)
Hell on wheels
Halt and catch fire
Debris (cancelled)
Cult (cw low budget-ish show that only lasted one season. Very ridiculous weirdness)
Colony (kinda meh at times)
Bored to death
Party down
Ive watched way too much shit. I should become a tv tv critic.
Oh yeah, The Critic
Fuck HBO/Discovery
I really enjoyed Halt and Catch Fire, and I see so few people talk about it. The only issue I had with it was that each season felt like it was almost a reset point rather than a straight continuation of the plot. I wish they would have left a few more open plot points at the end of each season that flowed into the next. I felt the same way with Silicon Valley, even though I enjoyed that one as well.
I actually liked that as it didn’t leave huge cliffhangers at the end of each season. Also i think they were going with the whole ‘leap’ technology took between each season. Like it happens really fast and can miss a lot if you’re not paying attention.
I enjoyed the beginning of Raised by wolves, but once it started to get “creative” (the levitating offspring…) I lost interest. Which is a shame because this was a high quality series.
‘Midnight Mass’ somehow completely went under my radar first, but DAMN, that was a great mini series!
That boat ride, damn…
I really wish Dead Like Me could have lasted longer.
Or Wonderfalls, or Pushing Daisies, or basically anything Bryan Fuller does.
Really thoughtful and smart sci-fi animation. Don’t want to spoil it so I’ll be vague, it has the most realistic depiction of modern tech and how people interact with it than any other show I’ve seen. Really great commentary on big tech corporations and even a bit of geopolitics. Super ambitious yet it somehow pulls it off.
There is also a scene that still gives me nightmares (not even joking, I still dream about that shit) which is more than any horror movies or shows have done for me. Anyone who has watched it knows exactly what scene I’m talking about.
China, IL would be on my list