Just looking at the numbers, it doesn’t seem to me like archival will complete before the shutdown date (nov. 11). There are 2million+ elements left, likely 100TB+ of videos.
If you care to help them out, see instructions at the top of the page. Be sure you have a “clean connection”, though.
edit: They’re saying that the current rate seems to be plenty enough to finish by the deadline. Workers are often left idling at the moment.
thanks for the reminder! recently I keep the warrior down because my amount of ram started to be a bottleneck to me, but certainly manageable when there’s urgent need.
why don’t they switch the “current project” selection to it, though? It’s on telegram now. it would receive more help because that’s the automatic choice
I’ve started a few warriors, but it’s not helping because they’ve activated rate limiting. I just get:
Tracker rate limiting is active. We don’t want to overload the site we’re archiving, so we’ve limited the number of downloads per minute. Retrying after 240 seconds…
So the bottleneck is that they don’t want to overload Veoh.
Yeah, that’s what I’m getting now, too. Hopefully they take the deadline into account for rate limiting… Still good to have warriors ready to retrieve, I guess.
They are about to double the rate lmit, so it should be a little better…
I tried getting the warrior to work with Hyper-V. But that doesn’t seem possible or feasible.
Why does warriorhq link to warrior version 3 when there’s a successor version 4 available?