Gather around the campfire and listen to my story, and then share your own in the comments below. The only condition is that it better be pants poopingly spooky or else the poop ghost will getcha! He wants your poooooooOooop

Our story begins in a graveyard. It was getting dark and Morty the groundskeeper was about to leave after doing a routine inspection of the cemetery grounds. As he walked to the gate and reached out to push it open, he heard a faint whisper, as if someone was standing behind him, but he couldn’t quite make out the words being said.

His turned to the direction where the sound had come from, but saw nothing. “Is someone there?” He asked loudly. No reply. He began to get slightly annoyed. If some teens were hoping to trash the place after dark, he didn’t want to deal with it. He shrugged and decided it was a problem for security.

He began to push the gate again and as he did, he heard another sound, right behind him. This time, it sounded like running footsteps. He whipped around quickly.

“What the hell?!”

Nobody was there, but there was a shoe, sticking out of the mud, just a few feet behind him. He stared, it was starting to get pretty dark now, but it was definitely a shoe. He carefully walked over and picked it up. Yeah, a large mens dress shoe. So it wasn’t teens. A homeless man, maybe? No, a homeless man wouldn’t mess with him like this, right? And it was too nice a shoe. Maybe the shoe had been left by an earlier visiter during the day, he thought.

“But then how do you explain the sound of running feet?” A voice said, clear as day behind him. He spun around. Again, no one was there.

“Ok you can stop messing with me now, cut it out. It’s closing time.” Morty said, admittedly not as assertive as he wanted to sound.

But whoever the voice belonged to didn’t seem to hear. It suddenly spoke again, sounding almost like a host enquiring to an audience,

“And what of the whispering he heard before?” It asked.

“Where the… Heck is that coming from?” Morty grumbled as he looked all around, his eyes fell upon some of the graves nearby, and his blood ran cold

“And how then do you explain the man emerging from the grave?” The voice said.

Morty screamed. Climbing out of the grave dirt, halfway out of the ground to his waist was TV sensation Johnathan Frakes.

“We got you.” he said with a cheeky smile.

    4 months ago

    I have a true story from when I was a kid.

    So I grew up on an island on a remote farm. The only way to get there was with a ferry and we often had to come home alone in the dark after hobbies or school.

    One night I was biking home from the ferry along the dark forest road. I had a hard time seeing where I was because my bike light was broken. The only light was moonlight that just barely allowed me to see where the side of the road was, I was all alone.

    Then, all of a sudden, even that smallest light just went out. It felt like someone flipped a switch. It got so dark that I was no longer able to see where I was going and it freaked me out so bad. It felt like I wasn’t alone and like there was someone behind me.

    When I finally made my way all the way to our farm road, I was very scared. I started to see better coming out of the forest, so I started driving faster. It still felt like there was someone behind me.

    When I got very close to home, maybe 400 meters away or so, I clearly felt something crab my bike from behind. This force or whatever it was, started pushing my bike, it felt so strong. I panicked and just drove like the wind. Once I got to the front of our old farmhouse I had difficulties stopping because the push from behind felt so strong.

    I forced the bike to fall to one side and ran inside as fast I could, never daring to look behind me.

      4 months ago

      Oh and here’s one more from when I was around 18 years old.

      At the time my family was staying in a different old farmhouse that was home to old relatives who had farmed and kept dairy cows there for a long long time. One of these older relatives had died long ago and the whispers around the family were that he had been a very bad man.

      The farmhouse always had stories of being haunted, but we got to experience the things firsthand in the few months we spent there. It was an incredibly spooky place.

      The story was that this bad man had spent time sitting in the old cattle kitchen drinking. This old room was next to the old barn where the cows had lived and in very bad shape by the time we were there. It also housed the farm sauna washing area that was still in use when we were there.

      One night we all went to the sauna in turns, I went by myself around midnight. I already felt spooked being there by myself, but told myself to grow up and proceeded with the bathing.

      I went to the sauna and as I sat on the sauna stairs in silence, there suddenly was footsteps above me. They sounded like heavy boots with hard soles and they were clearly in the attic above me. They went from one end to the other, in a slow pace. Stopping every so often. Almost like whoever it was stopped to listen.

      I sat there thinking that my dad or maybe one of my uncles had gone up there to find something. But felt increasingly uneasy being there. I quickly finished my sauna and went into the house to ask who had been up there.

      Nobody said they had been, they were sitting in the living room watching tv. At this time I was also reminded that most of the barn attic no longer had a floor. Nobody could have walked there without falling down.

      Later we all saw how the barn kitchen light would flicker on and off by itself sometimes. It was a fixture that wasn’t supposed to get any power. The same sauna room was right next to it that I had been in. I never went to the sauna there again.

      One time I also went to the house attic there to browse old newspapers. The door latch up to the attic had been closed from the other side while I was there. Nobody ever admitted to closing it on me. It was always said that the attic was also a spooky place.