Is there any flavor of libertarianism that even in theory makes sense? I lump libertarians together which I guess is unfair but I only talk to them online and they always seem to so similar however they define themselves with nuance. I find them to be ridiculous, obnoxious, and selfish.

For example - at Bluesky I just had an argument with a self-described socio-libertarian who was against “disruptive” protests against climate change. The character limit at Bluesky makes an actual discussion pointless in a situation like this. But they were an asshole anyway so that limit did me a favor. And I didn’t need to her some kind of fantastical thinking about the magic of the free market solving climate change.

Here’s what Wikipedia has to say about libertarian socialism…

Libertarian socialism

Libertarian socialism is an anti-authoritarian and anti-capitalist political current that emphasises self-governance and workers’ self-management. It is contrasted from other forms of socialism by its rejection of state ownership and from other forms of libertarianism by its rejection of private property. Broadly defined, it includes schools of both anarchism and Marxism, as well as other tendencies that oppose the state and capitalism.

  • SuperNovaCouchGuy2 [any]
    4 months ago

    Every single right libertarian I’ve seen on the internet has done extensive philosophical masturbation and mental gymnastics to vehemently defend capitalism, even against fascists. They worship von Mises, one of the most evil pieces of shit to have ever lived, and want you and I to suffer under social darwinist market conditions. It makes a lot of sense, when you think about it from the perspective of a rich “person”.

    It is reasonable to conclude that they all deserve beatings.