I entered a contest in fifth grade when DARE visited our school, in which I wrote an essay on how marijuana is bad and i would NEVER smoke marijuana. Unbeknownst to me, 90% of my family was smoking weed and 100% of them were full in support of weed. And now I smoke i several times a week. So… yeah. I relate.
Yeah, their emotionally abusive brainwashing is much better at making kids feel awful about themselves when they DO use drugs than keeping them from drugs.
It’s about as effective AND as damaging as abstinence only sex “education”.
It’s incredible how much we have been lied to about the dangers of marijuana. Just recently, a family member was talking about how dangerous “marijuana poisoning” is. I still don’t know what that is and I love my weed. It amazes me how much misinformation is still out there.
I have no idea what you’re talking about! (packs a bowl…)
I will do crack, but only once I’m really old, so it doesn’t matter if I lose my money or die early anymore. If I make it past 80, I’ll definitely will do crack and live stream.
Drop the twitch stream here when you do it