Let’s go! This is a moment for the history books!
EDIT: Added Trackpad to the title
So the mouse charges the same way, just USB C? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Even though it is quite a minor issue, it still looks dumb charging “dead-bug” style.
given how often my mouse has to charge while I’m using it I’d have a major issue with it
If I had a wireless mouse, I would prefer it to not have a built-in battery at all. Pop the batteries out, swap them for a pair of charged ones, put the old ones on a charger. That’s it.
The best wireless mouse I have ever had, is it cheapo ThinkPad mouse with replaceable AA batteries. For some reason that I will never understand that thing lasts months on just two AA batteries, meanwhile my rechargeable mouse lasts 4 days in a single charge.
My primary mouse is a wired (nice braided cable so it doesn’t get tangled) Mad Catz gaming mouse from 2010 because frankly it’s a mouse, so I don’t really care
Logitech m330 with a single AA Ni-MH battery. Have been using the same battery for the last 4 months, wondering when will it die.
I also have a smart charger for the batteries, so I can just keep them in there without the risk of damaging the batteries. The moment the battery dies, I’ll just take another one and swap it quicker than it would take me to find a usb-c charger.
Logitech wireless mouse plus charging mat. Used for years never had to plug in. Amazing that not all other companies have similar tech yet
If you charge it while you go poop, you get hours of usage. It’s a dumb spot for a charger, but it’s not an issue with this house.
How often are you charging? We use Razer DeathAdder Pro v3 Wirelesses at my house and we charge every couple weeks with daily use.
the problem is less how often I have to charge my mouse and rather that I’m almost always using it and on top forgetting to charge overnight so there is no “convenient” time to charge it during the day where I’d not use it
You would think they could add an induction charger and actually make it “magic”-ly charge.
It’s ridiculous 😂
And they still put the port on the bottom where you can’t charge and use it at the same time. Garbage.
That’s because apple wants to form an abusive relationship with you where you try to justify all the dumb shit they do because you build it into your ego identity.
Meh. I got one for free from a job’s tech allowance, and it’s never really a problem. It charges fast and the OS warns you early enough to plug it in on a lunch break or at the end of the day well before it runs out. Not ideal but def not garbage. Honestly, I get more frustrated with noise canceling headphones and keyboards dying at inconvenient times than I ever do the mouse.
I dont use it daily, but it is a pretty good mouse for my laptop bag. Charge holds a long time for once/week use. If it’s dead when I get to the coffee shop or wherever I’m working, itll be usable in 15 mins or less anyway. It also works nicely with Linux out of the box, which is a rarity among Bluetooth mice (in my experience).
The other elephant in the room: not having multitasking gestures on a mouse when using macOS is a serious drawback for any other mouse out there, so there is a reason people are willing to put up with the annoyance (if they ever get annoyed in the first place)
I got one too, my big problem with the mouse is that when it’s upside down like that it just wobbles all over the place and invariably falls off the table. It’s like a cat magnet, they can’t resist pushing it.
Anyway it’s an awful mouse, I hate that kind of not really buttons thing that they’ve got going on.
That… It just doesn’t even make sense???
It’s like putting the electrical cord INSIDE a blender.
It’s done so you can’t use the mouse with it plugged in. Because obviously that would be terrible and awful so must be stopped at all costs.
Jesus, there are easier ways, just have the whole mouse be electrified to lethal levels when plugged in, it still wouldn’t look as bad.
Notice that it’s never people who have the mouse complaining about the port location.
A brief 1-2 minute charge nets you hours of use, it’s really not a big deal.
False. I was issued that mouse at a previous workplace and it pissed me off so much I brought in my own mouse. And my experience was that when the mouse was fully dead it needed to charge a long time to be usable again.
If it just simply let you use it while it was plugged in there’d be absolutely no issue. It’s a dumb design.
It’s garbage to begin with. You can’t right click with both fingers resting on the mouse. Shit design through and through, it’s equally functional right side up or upside down.
I had a first gen Magic Mouse and you could definitely add right click to it.
Not without lifting your fingers off the mouse every time.
Look…it’s a shit mouse, but all you had to do is press on the right-front corner for right click after you configured it to do so.
I hated the thing and would never get one again, but if you’re going to criticize it, at least point out things that are actually a problem.
Nope. If your other finger is still resting on the mouse, it fucks up and can’t tell the difference between left and right click. It’s a 50/50 gamble unless you lift your fingers off beforehand.
Yes, I did use the mouse before, and I was wondering why the fuck the thing kept right clicking when I left clicked and left clicking when I right clicked. Only after googling did it reveal that it misinterprets shit if both fingers are resting on the mouse.
What kind of fucking mouse requires googling to click?
YoU’rE HolDiNG iT wrONg
The Logitech MX Master is the best productivity mouse ever. Apple apparently has no desire to compete with it.
i bought one and ended up going back to my magic mouse. i use mostly magic mice, but i did finally figure out why i have such a strange mouse preference. it’s the weight. so i bought a really lightweight razer mouse, and i enjoy using that.
it also charges on the bottom!
Agreed. I don’t like the magic mouses size, but the weight + multitasking gestures makes it the one I put in my laptop bag for use on the go.
one thing i found that helps the size are these rubber bumpers you can stick onto the sides. somebody mentioned them to me, they’re available on amazon and not expensive.
Honestly seems like it’d be a rough fight with stuff like the mx master on market already. Not worth the effort. Edit: I may finally jump from my g700s to a mx master soon
Here here!
Best mouse I’ve ever had. Lasted 10+ years. Just can’t justify $100 for a new one
I bought an MX3 on a sale when leaving one job that wanted the mouse back and coming to one that didn’t offer one (or maybe I simply wasn’t patient enough?). The next job had an MX2S from a previous employee in the box with factory sealed cheapo mice. Easy choice to go for the used MX. Now I have two! But sometimes I get confused when they’re accidentally in the same place 😅 also love the three channels for pairing to different devices. Even comes in handy on the iPad once in a while.
First they pioneered USB-C-charging for phones, and now they invent USB-C-charging for peripherals! Mind blown, truly visionary stuff from Apple.
You joke but Apple actually did codevelop USB-C with Microsoft, Intel, and HP.
Are you sure this is new? I’d swear all the M-series iMacs I’ve ordered for work over the last few years recharged the keyboard and mouse through USB-C
It’ll be a moment for the history books when I can charge my mouse and use it at the same time
Here’s a hot take: The magic mouse is actually really nice. I worked in a lab with new iMacs and magic mice, and the gestures just felt great. If it wasn’t a part of such a closed ecosystem, I would have one myself.
I agree that the gestures feel great (pretty much the only good part about this mouse imo), but why not just use a track pad instead?
I think it’s nicer to physically move something.
Thanks to EU regulations the keyboard is limited to 20gbps data rates instead of the 40gbps that it would be doing over Thunderbolt. I hope your happy now that apple users suffer peasant speeds.
? Thunderbolt is just a fancier usb-c, you can use a usb-c cable with a thunderbolt port and vice-versa.
Also apple used lightning before, not thunderbolt.
I think you’re confusing Thunderbolt with the lightning cable. Hell, even basic USB-C is faster than lightning cable.
I’m very impressed by your typing speed if 20 gbps is a bottleneck
??? AFAIK the keyboard doesn’t actually transfer any data over cable, it’s all wireless.
Only pc keyboard needs wires
Oh yes, everything is wireless these days…