It’s been a couple months now with the game out. What’s everyone’s favorites hero’s to play as?
Mine are:
- Wraith
- Grey Talon (Even before the last patch)
- Kelvin
Haze or Seven
Haze is my favorite, I love being a little invisible ninja creature
I really like Paradox, so much so that I’ve been having a hard time finding other fun characters!
But it’s been a bit since I’ve played!
The problem (if you could call it that) with Paradox is that she is so unique that there is no real equivalent if you want to play more heroes without moving away from that playstyle.
Yeah :( I really like how she is able to hold her ground, I’ve found that playing patiently is extremely rewarding.
That said, it’s also in part due to the freedom of the game. I pick Paradox and I usually get the character, I have others selected too though for different roles, but I never ended up with them. I do like a few other characters but… Paradox is just so fun lol.
Yeah it’s like that for me too. If I want to play someone else I need to set her as lower priority because I’ll almost certainly end up with her otherwise.
Calico - I like cats and currently playing as her just feels right.
Ivy - I really like her combo and sitting on people.
McGuiness - Her turrets are cool and often ignored (especially if there’s lot’s going on) which can be a really bad move. Reminds me of playing Engineer in DRG and her ult gives me the same feeling as firing artillery in Factorio.
*Wraith - For some reason I keep getting a good k/d with her. O.o
I played a lot of McGuiness before I played ranked, after that the way I pay her doesn’t mesh with the meta so I switched but it was a lot of fun before then for sure. Will have to try calico in the test mode!
Just be prepared for the meowing!
One of my favourite things tbh lol
Guess I’m the only asshole here. Lash.
I’ve been wanting to learn him as I can imagine he is so much fun to play, but I’m a bit scared about the difficulty. I’ve seen some Lash players absolutely dominate, but so so many dive in and die over and over. Plus - much like Dynamo - having a super impactful ultimate on a massively long cooldown gives me anxiety.
I came from League mostly so I wanted a caster. I think he’s so good because height gives you damage. Just climb somewhere high, jump down, 3 then pound with 1, or 1 then pound with 3 (easier, but recent changes to ability buffering/queuing made it so 3-1 is faster), then jump away with 2.
I think a lot of people jump in with 2 and then get stuck because they’ve all inned and have no escape. But the 2 works on allied things as well so you can just 180 and jump on out of there after bursting them. Then continue laning.
The ult is a bit meh tho imo. Like it’s a cone downwards, so a lot of the time I pull it ffrom ground height and the range is so small. You got to throw it from high up to get multiple people and have a good range to aim with.
Mirage is my most played character at the moment, I just really like his kit. Very comfy to play. Tornado is such an amazing skill and once you get used to the mobility and on-demand iframes it’s hard to go back. He’s one of the best laners in the game which makes early game smooth and popping people with big Djinn’s Marks is fun.
I also really enjoy Yamato, chunking people with big Power Slashes is satisfying and you can do sick turnarounds with her ult.
Most fun to play is probably Pocket though, but I still need a lot more practice before I feel I can confidently perform on him. I love all his skills but you really gotta be on the ball to maximise his potential.
For me its lash, shiv, wraith, grey Talon in this order :D I also played other champs of course but these are my most played
I like wraith, paradox and recently, warden.
Just started playing deadlock this week and I’m in love with Ivy. Took me a while to figure it out before I was playing wraith and she’s fun but I suck with her. Prolly just need more practice.
Vindicta and Paradox are my two most played and highest priority, followed by Wraith, Infernus and Warden. Last night I tried Grey Talon for the first time and found him quite fun as well, so he’ll probably be my third pick from now on. Some.of the upcoming heroes look quite fun and interesting so I might enjoy some of them too once they’re released.
In order, Yamato, Paradox, Haze, Vindicta, Wraith, McGinnis.
McGinnis with the GunGinnis build, and kudzu bomb Ivy. I really wish I found a third one I can enjoy.
Mine are Warden, Pocket, and Bebop.
Love seven. Ball is wave clear ASMR. Ult makes people reeeee
Been priority Abrams, sure his ult can be important for fights but being my first moba, going in stunning people and catching aggro is simple enough for me to understand. Second choice is Kelvin, really fun mobility and beam combo in laning, ice bomb focus and rescue beam if they have hooks or grabs. My third choice is gunginnis like someone else said, mini gun go vrr is fun.