How many dead Palestinian kids will it take for you to change your vote?

  • axont [she/her, comrade/them]
    4 months ago

    if america is so fragile that a 78 year old wet sack of shit can completely conquer it and declare himself king for eternity, then it was never a democracy or whatever in the first place. it’s a farcical joke of a country that should have collapsed ages ago. If Trump is the boogeyman that turns America into Gilead, then what good was America anyway? The second dumbest man on Earth (first is Elon) rose to ultimate authority and is going to press the fascism button? He’s gonna suspend all elections?

    if it was always this easy, then America’s been a ghost for decades and I don’t know why you can’t see that. If this whole goofy constitution beating, spirit of America, our democracy stuff you’re talking about, if all of that somehow hinges on one specific guy not getting elected into office

    then what exactly do you have

    what rights did you possess in the first place, and how flimsy was this stupid country to begin with? jesus christ just listen to what you’re saying. “vote for someone better next time” fam I don’t know if you know this but when candidates lose it’s not like they poof into the shadow realm and take all their support with them. They’re part of the American sausage factory for life. The donors that fund both candidates don’t go anywhere. The wealthiest of Americans continue to exert power no matter who tf it is. do you really expect Trump to suddenly flip the board over, when the wealthy are mostly content with how things are going?

    ask yourself this. Why isn’t Trump arrested right now? Why didn’t the CIA just shoot him with a polonium dart gun? If he’s supposedly this level of a threat, that he’ll flip over the whole state apparatus, that’d be a bad time for the bourgeois class, right? I can’t imagine the wealthy want to stir the pot, when…they’re literal ghouls who control the whole world. Why upset a good thing they got going? Look inside yourself and you’ll see the answer: the wealthy don’t give a shit if it’s Trump or anyone else. He’s the same type of American politician you always get, and he’s already proven that in the 4 years we had him

    Jesus christ I hate talking to libs, you always bring out the worst in me and make me type paragraphs just to content with your mindless pablum. fuck.