Note that she admits was the one who started it. Then Trump wanted to ramp it up. Now she wants to look non confrontstional in building more and basically puts some meritocracy bs to immigration “you have to earn it.”
No discussions of the consequences of our foreign actions and that directly leading to these waves of refugees.
I really want a reporter to ask why we don’t melt the Statue of Liberty if that is what they truly believe and want wrt to immigration now. Obviously the give us your tired, your poor, yearning to be free banter is not what the parties stand for any more. It’d be political suicide suggesting the destruction of a national icon, but I kind of want them to fall on their own sword with this.
Reminder that America’s initial love for immigration came from the need to populate the empire with loyal white soldiers who could hold it against blacks and the indigenous, the same way Israel loves immigration (only if it is white jews).
Note that she admits
was the one who started it. Then Trump wanted to ramp it up. Now she wants to look non confrontstional in building more and basically puts some meritocracy bs to immigration “you have to earn it.”
No discussions of the consequences of our foreign actions and that directly leading to these waves of refugees.
I really want a reporter to ask why we don’t melt the Statue of Liberty if that is what they truly believe and want wrt to immigration now. Obviously the give us your tired, your poor, yearning to be free banter is not what the parties stand for any more. It’d be political suicide suggesting the destruction of a national icon, but I kind of want them to fall on their own sword with this.
if we melted it down we would have enough metal to make a whole lot of child cages
Here lies the hungry, the tired, the poor, that yearned to be free of our oppression.
Ripping the copper walls off the statue of liberty along with the rest of the wiring. Real 2024 capitalism hours.
Bill Clinton started it under Operation Gatekeeper.
There were iterations of walls for decades. They all just kept it going.
And they wonder why “the left” wasn’t so keen on his VP… add it to the pile.
Reminder that America’s initial love for immigration came from the need to populate the empire with loyal white soldiers who could hold it against blacks and the indigenous, the same way Israel loves immigration (only if it is white jews).