I’m hoping he never gets the chance. If he does, I hope he fails to get rid of Smith again.
He’s been talking about sending the military after Adam Schiff and other “enemies within”. He definitely heard the SCOTUS arguments. If he’s president and he doesn’t get to fire someone, or everyone, I doubt he’ll hesitate to send a military unit to threaten or even kill them. Who’s going to stop him? Would 15-17 senators vote to impeach him? Would he try to kill them too? Did Tuberville’s General Promotion sabotage leave enough slots open for Trump to install his own “Hitler’s generals”?
I would say I’m being alarmist, but the man is on TV saying this is what he will do on day 1. If he wins, everyone, left and right, is fucked.
Fascinating, isn’t it?
“On day one, I will take a giant greasy shit in all your mouths.”
“Did you hear WTF he just said?”
“You’re just being alarmist, what he actually meant was…”
Wonder why all the talking heads and GOP members get the inside scoop on what he’s really thinking but the rest of us just get to assume he’s saying something other than what he really means to say… but also he’s giving it to us straight… but talks in hyperbole… but totally not lying. 😵💫
Idk man. It’s been 10 years since this meme of a presidential candidate went too far. This might be normal now.
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Maybe, the chain of command and lawful orders really only work if the participants are willing and there are repercussions. A MAGA general will know who his MAGA Colonels are and so on down the line. Could it be scaled to the entire military, maybe, no one has tried. But could a General, a handful of officers and 20 or so troops be selected as superior MAGA soldiers reporting directly to the president and his appointed chief of staff? I don’t think that’s improbable at all.
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You’re right, there are a lot of very liberal people in the ranks. There’s no disputing that. I’m just saying there are plenty of MAGAs around too, more than enough to cause havoc. And if shit starts going south, the GI bill nerds with degrees will head for the door because they have the qualifications to do so. They can stand up for the constitution because they will land on their feet after they get kicked out.
Generalizing myself here, the more conservative a troop is, the more likely the military is all they know. The promise of being special and fighting for the America they believe Trump will give them is more than enough to push some of them over the edge.
Let me paint a picture that, I think is plausible within the law. Trump directly orders an assassination. With it comes a carrot (a general immunity for the killing). And the stick (a court marshall for disobeying a direct order from your superior, plus your name on a hit list). Then, he just has to go down the line with the same offer until someone bites. Once that happens, he will order them to go down the hit list with the same offer. Hell, he could deputise a militia to do the dirty. Not saying he would, I’m just pointing out the outer bounds of what is perfectly legal. And if the Republicans have a clean sweep nothing can or will stop him. Even without a clean sweep, he could threaten the life of any politician.
Seems like a power that the president shouldn’t have. Just like pardoning themselves.
how can anyone even be surprised by this. trump will likely get into power and say “give me a list of democrats i can fire” and he will fire them plus some democrats he cant as well as “disloyal” republicans
That’s part of Project 2025
Yep, a root and branch routing of anyone who won’t pledge their allegiance to Trump above all else.
They already have the list.
Gosh, now why would he do that? I thought he was perfectly innocent?
Do not let the diaper filled Nazi anywhere near office.
This makes it sound like he’s eating the dirty diapers, which given how morally bankrupt and gross he is in general… Would not surprise me.
People are saying it. Many people are saying it. Diaper Eater Donnie they call him, many very powerful people say so. The best people.
Regardless if he takes office or not, I fully expect political violence. That is what this rhetoric leads to.
I suspect it won’t be nearly as bad and nearly as pervasive if Harris takes office. But it will still happen. That’s what happens when you have idiots being enflamed by this sort of rhetoric. They see a jihad. That’s the endgame of ultraconservativism. Blind adherence to the authority. Be it a person, or an imaginary entity.
I have a son I need to protect. I have friends to protect. I don’t know what will happen, but we can’t pretend this will all be ok.
I am certainly not pretending everything is going to be okay. I am also of the opinion that violence is the only political action that ever truly solves anything, for better or for worse. Conservatives have a pretty large monopoly on violence in this country, and that problem is becoming self-evident to anybody that is paying attention.
Until the left is willing to fight back, or present a violent opposition to the erosion of our rights when necessary we are just slow walking to the forgone conclusion that our democracy has already fallen because there is nobody here that is willing to defend it on our own soil regardless of the cost.
Well yeah. It threatens the only thing he cares about - himself.
If the threat of a Trump presidency is confirmed by the electoral college, then President Biden will have no choice but to perform an Executive Act to preserve democracy.
What’s the act
Anything. The supreme Court said so.
Order the public executions of Trump and Vance as fascist threats to democracy, transfer the presidency to the Speaker on January 6th.
Sounds like a reasonable compromise to me, centrists love those, right?
Public? No, I don’t see the need for a public execution. That’s too MAGA for me. However, you know how the conservative members of SCOTUS stick little hints in their rulings and dissents to give ideas to red state AGs? Justice Sonia Sotomayor dropped such a hint for Biden in her dissent on on the executive privilege case.
In her dissent to Monday’s Supreme Court ruling, Justice Sonia Sotomayor painted a grim portrait of a commander-in-chief now “immune, immune, immune” from criminal liability and free to exploit official presidential power against political opponents.
“Orders the Navy’s Seal Team 6 to assassinate a political rival?” she wrote. “Immune.”
It’s subtle, but I think I see what she’s getting at.
Pikachu says “Duh.”
/Shakes trees of liberty.
Poor thing needs some water.
The red kind.
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Of course Trump knows that all appointees resign when a new President is sworn in.
Is that supposed to make the statement less scary?
No, it means Jack is going to resign no matter who is elected. Trump knows he won’t play big man and fire him.