Disclaimer: I know the flag looks like shit. I didn’t really try and make a well done, symmetric n**i flag. The entire point is to illustrate the general intent, not to make a symmetric “asshole flag”.
Edit: the sample size isn’t that big yet, but around 20% (19.51% as of this edit) of downvotes is definitely uncannily aligned with the average percentage of far right voters… (I’d show data from the US too, but you guys haven’t yet learned how to count to three in politics… So data is severely lacking.)
Elon sucks and I’m glad he is destroying twitter, but being obsessed with “X” because he is a moron who thinks X is cool doesn’t mean that the new twitter logo is a nazi logo. Additionally if you put literally any monochromatic logo on a red field within a white circle it will kind of look like a Nazi flag. Stop being intellectually lazy.
Oh boy I’m glad you told me that, I hadn’t realized. I’ll go reverse course at once. Maybe that will also change the fact that he is supporting and enabling nazis on his platform? Oh, wait, that predates the logo change… 🙃
I would say “samezies”, but in your case, I don’t think it’s laziness.
the wooosh with him was so strong that I think it provided 3 days of clean, green energy to all of europe.
Bro, I wish. At least it’d have been of some use. Thanks for the laugh tho 😊
This comment is a perfect microcosm of smug rudeness. You want to know why people are running to the extremes? It’s because you treat people like shit and then expect them to agree with your ideology when you’ve berated them and belittled them for disagreeing. It’s not a conversation, it’s not a discussion, it’s just insulting.
People joining the far-right has nothing to do with white supremacism or the institutionalized worship of authoritarianism, nationalism or militarism … it’s all because someone made a meme that hurt someone’s feels.
It all adds up. The reason these people flock to the far right is because they don’t see any other options. They’re lonely, sad, with little to no support networks. The far right preys on people like that to convert them to their cause. I remember when it started happening in World of Warcraft. It’s totally changed the entire landscape of the gaming community. It definitely doesn’t help when the other side is constantly name-calling. I certainly have a hard time reasoning with somebody who’s already made up their mind and started hurling insults.
Yeah… because they’ve been indoctrinated into accepting the right-wing view of the world since birth - after all, we are all “westerners” here, aren’t we? We are “democratic” (which we’re not), we are “civilized” (which we’re not), we are “free” (which we’re not), we are “non-racist” (which we’re pretty damn obviously not) and we are “individualist” (which, again, we’re not). You can blame the memers and the people calling nazis nazis all you want… but they are not the people responsible for laying the groundwork that allows right-wing ideology to flourish and fester. That’s something that is built into white - oops, I meant to say “western” - society. That is why they are so easily triggered into supporting right-wing politics.
And then we haven’t even started talking about all the wealth and privilege that is funding all of this right-wing ideology - but sure… let’s blame memes.
Maybe the reason people “run to the extreme” is the very same intellectual deficiency that caused them to be missing the point to start with.
P.S. I have no problem insulting nazis.
The problem is that your radar is broken and you are flagging everybody as a Nazi. That’s not productive and I would argue it detracts from most of your messaging. You keep throwing around terms like “intellectual deficiency” and then wonder why people are rejecting your premises.
Everybody that takes offense because of my post, or everybody that uses a capital N on nazi. Am I wrong? 😘
God, people like you are so annoying. Maybe Elon just is just a dumbass who likes the letter ‘X’. Not everything has to be a conspiracy. Go touch grass.