Hey everyone, I’m looking for critiques on my games list here. I’ve been casually enjoying retro gaming for the past year and my friend wants his kids to play some. He has two boys a few years apart but no older than 8 I think. I’m planning to surprise him with a POWkiddy RGB10X pre-configured with some games I think young kids would enjoy. This is where I need some help finalizing the list. I’m at a little over 30 games which I think is maybe too many but I want them to have a wide variety of genres and franchises to enjoy. What might you change or suggest?
- Donkey Kong (NES or GBA)
- Ridge Racer Type 4 (PS1)
- Diddy Kong Racing (N64)
- Super Mario 64 (N64)
- Super Mario Bros. 3 (SNES)
- Metal Gear Solid (PS1)
- Pokémon Emerald (GBA)
- Pokémon Crystal (GBC)
- Pokémom Leaf Green (GBA)
- Pokémon Pinball (GBA)
- Super Smash Bros. (N64)
- Metal Slug X (PS1)
- Contra: Hard Corps (Genesis)
- Super Metroid (SNES)
- Banjo-Kazooie (N64)
- Donkey Kong Country 2 (SNES)
- SoulCalibur (DC)
- Crash Bandicoot: Warped (PS1)
- Spyro 1 (PS1)
- Rayman (PS1)
- Wipeout 3 Special Edition (PS1)
- ACE Combat 3 (PS1)
- Oddworld: Abe’s Oddysee (PS1)
- Digimon World (PS1)
- Sonic 3&K (DC)
- Kirby & the Amazing Mirror (GBA)
- Zelda: A Link to the Past & Four Swords (GBA)
- 1943 (NES)
- Earthbound Patched (SNES)
- Chrono Trigger (SNES)
- TMNT: Turtles in Time (SNES)
- Tetris (NES)
- Pacman CE demake (NES)
- He specifically mentioned Donkey Kong, though not any game specifically, as well as he personally enjoyed OddWorld as a kid so I threw that in there.
- Maybe remove Contra and leave only Metal Slug?
Shameless plug for my own GBC game, it’s very kid friendly https://blue-dog-games.itch.io/bouncy-bouncy
No Zelda?
I’ve got A Link to the Past & Four Sword combo on the list
Lol, totally missed it.
Only other thing I can think of is maybe a Mario Kart.
No worries. I appreciate the suggestion!
Going to argue for Donkey Kong GB instead of NES, the GameBoy version has a whole campaign compared to the arcade and NES
otherwise this is hard to argue with, great list
I’ll look into that, thank you for the heads up.
Edit: Just read about the GB version and it looks great. Thanks for the suggestion!
No problem! Seems to be generational knowledge, came out around when I was born but I only found out about it this year.
F-Zero GP Legend Tekken 3
It’s a tough one. The list could be endless!
F Zero could be good! I did remove Tekken 3 already. My picks were SoulCalibur then Virtua Fighter 2 then Tekken 3 but decided to only keep SC to minimize the amount of games
Hi. It’s a great list! If boys enjoy some specific animation series you can add games like Darkwing Duck, The Lion King, The Adventures of Batman & Robin, Duck Tales 2, etc. depending on what they actaully like For variety you can also add something from Bomberman games, The Lost Vikings, and/or some kind of sport games
Great ideas! Maybe I can non chalantly question him about shows his kids enjoy
Golden Sun!
I personally enjoy that game! However, I think it’s a little too in-depth/complicated for little kids