Meme: Screenshot of microblog post by @alanjack replying to @fotchi.
Caption: I still don’t know why part of autistic/adhd diagnosis isn’t putting you in a room with someone already diagnosed and seeing how quickly you bond.
Meme: Screenshot of microblog post by @alanjack replying to @fotchi.
Caption: I still don’t know why part of autistic/adhd diagnosis isn’t putting you in a room with someone already diagnosed and seeing how quickly you bond.
That’s me in my normal rhythm of substance abuse with caffeine.
It might be that.
Then again, the funny thing about caffeine is that I can go without some for weeks as long as I’m not expected to work. Longest I’ve gone without was a 12 week, almost 3 month streak. The coffee I had in my kitchen went bad.
Being able to forget you are addicted to something is also an ADHD trait.
That sounds a lot like self medicating to me lmao
i geniunely don’t understand why so many people immediately jump to it sounding like addiction, since when does caffeine addiction make it so taking caffeine makes you tired? Surely the symptom of caffeine addiction (or withdrawal, rather) is that not getting caffeine makes you tired?