not just an intelligence officer, but in the unit that does clandestine shit and cyberwarfare
but muh Ruzzian interference!
Funny because libs will tell you it’s Russia
Israel is such a cancer on the world
Well I mean, we knew it was run by fascists. This doesn’t change much. It just happens to be run by very relevant fascists
Pretty much all the fascists run in the same circles tbh if you actually look at it. Zionist fascists, European and Anglo fascists, fascists in Latin America or Asia, etc (whether western-backed puppets, political opposition, terrorist death squads, etc)… Even in, say, Russia (Navalny-ites) they run in the same circles (the Russian state may be reactionary and lib but it isn’t fascist IMO), or in India the BJP/Hindutvas have a “rich” history with the Isntrealis (though circumstance is forcing them to move away from the global fascist bloc due to the fact the west’s plan for Asia and indeed the entire global south is forever war and destabilization, preventing development, etc. and just like every other non-western country, the west constantly keeps the pressure up on/holds metaphorical guns to India’s head)
It’s wild that Israelis only export things that are dangerous to a society, I can’t really think of things that they export outside of surveillence softwares, weapons and various psyops.
You can also get mediocre hummus and backdoored cpus
If you’re ever lonely just remember that you may have Intel Management Engine inside your computer
I’m using an ARM CPU so I probably have a different backdoor :P
ARM chips have ascended to a new level, they are the backdoor
AMD Platform Security Processor
The PSP itself represents an ARM core (ARM Cortex-A5) with the TrustZone extension which is inserted into the main CPU die as a coprocessor.
Yeah, forgot AMD had that going on.
I thought Apple’s CVE-2023-38606 was bad…
Raid Shadow Legends
holy shit I completely forgot about that. That game makes me feel like I’d be installing a spyware on my phone.
Its propaganda is so bad though. The content it puts out might as well be made my Charlie Kirk-esque 22 year olds.
deleted by creator
Or even “doesn’t make a profit”. A nonprofit is just a company without shareholders
[theyre not confessing, theyre bragging]
Unit 8200 is like the warcrimeist
Unit 8200 is what the CIA wishes it was.
Isn’t someone from that unit in the White House press corps?
I don’t know how to paste a clean link, but multiple sources come up searching for “unit 8200 White House.”
Streit translates to dispute in german
I’m Penis Prager, famous for most hamburgers eaten.
How do i say death to israel without being antisemetic i need this
“Death to israel” is not an antisemitic statement
Yeah but when i say death to america i am not being hyperbolic