This is aimed at US election day, because the US controls the western world. And most of us are unfortunately westerners.
We all know that the election is gonna suck. How will you cope? How will you celebrate? How will you give yourself a reason to wake up the next day?
My plan is avoiding all human contact for the day as best as I can, and going out for a run. Then I will come home and make rice and tofu. Maybe with some kimchi I have stored.
The ongoing genocide in Gaza has decoupled the election from horrifying political outcomes in my mind so i don’t care. One Hitler, two Hitler. Red Hitler, blue Hitler.
A combination of brainpoisoning that makes me able to enjoy the horserace and knowing that there are no stakes for this election because it is between two Hitlers, and we’ve had successive Hitlers in office for (at minimum) 20 years.
Pretty sure it’s been Hitlers all along, yes even before Hitler.
Drugs. Same as any other day.
I work that day so I’m just hoping I can avoid having to talk to coworkers about it. I haven’t been cornered by any of the libs there about who I’m voting for so far thankfully.
Otherwise going to just treat it like any other evening and do some reading and make fried tofu
I can at least rest a little easier knowing that Biden may very well die shortly after due to no longer being three feet from the super drugs at all times.
Probably cackling to myself at work as I watch electoral dominoes tumble since it’s literally pointless for me to go voting for presi-king
Unfortunately someone’s going to win, but the bright side is that someone’s going to lose.
I’ll be working starting at 5am and not done until prob 2am the next morning
I’m thinking internet blackout in my house.
They have blacking out on the internet now?
Idk but I have some ideas.
If Trump wins, see how many remaining liberal “friends” who’ve held on this long I can get to block me by rubbing it in their faces, “this is what you get for backing genocide!”
If Kdolf Hitler wins, see how many remaining liberal “friends” who’ve held on this long I can get to block my because I go off on a rant about how the Nazi Democrats stole the election from the Green Party and everyone who voted for the Nazis could have voted Green instead, but Americans just love jacking off to pictures of dismembered middle-easterners or something.
Either way I’m probably going to cope by picking fights with the shitlibs I keep around to be my emotional punching bags.
Or maybe I’ll be emotionally healthy and just take a nice walk and play some videogames
Laughing at whichever side loses
I’m not from the
, so
(but most probably I will be preoccupied with my own shit to deal with)
I’m (not) looking forward to yt people rambling on to me about Kamala or some shit. They already do especially after the debates, eventhough I don’t mention anything about politics beyond refuting whatever bs they’re spewing about immigrants, the homeless, and sometimes China.
Quick edit: so I’ll be going ghost the day and the day after. I’ll be unreachable outside of hexbear.
It doesn’t matter as much as either said says it does, all the dad shit will happen either way, and Trump literally can’t hole a 30 minute interview with a friendly outlet in his living room.
If you want America to fail 4 more years of Trump will put us too far behind China to even hope of catching up, which I consider a good thing.
I dont know when that day is
It was yesterday