I’m wondering if people are confused about your comment because they are missing the fact that Musk is literally an African American (American now, originally from Africa).
What does this have to do with holding someone for a year before prosecution? I thought we were all assumed innocent until proven guilty, unless those cops really are bastards omgg!
Jail and prison are 2 different things. You are held in jail, and may be able to be let out on bond depending on the charges against you, while you wait to receive your due process. You are not held in a prison until you are sentenced by a judge, following a conviction by a jury.
If your due process is violated and you are imprisoned without conviction, guess who would probably be interested in taking your case? Probably the ACLU.
People have gone to prison for less
Honestly, it sounds so bad it would proof the trump campaign right.
This is nothing compared to what many other African Americans have endured; what makes Musk so different?
I’m wondering if people are confused about your comment because they are missing the fact that Musk is literally an African American (American now, originally from Africa).
I think it doesn’t fit their narative and it scares them a little.
Right about what, exactly?
Right about the radical left wanting to imprison political opponents. Without due process
Over an illegal lottery that could be argued to be a sweep
"But your honor, it could be argued those 47 people merely TRIPPED into my knife over and over. "
He stole a cigarette
Death sentence!
Your false equivalencies are showing.
What does this have to do with holding someone for a year before prosecution? I thought we were all assumed innocent until proven guilty, unless those cops really are bastards omgg!
So you wish what you criticise, as long as it hits the right people.
Extremists gonna extremist
And just like that, every accusation is a personal confession my friend; go home, you lost.
Radical left. I just love the delusion and hypocrisy from you weird incels
Jail and prison are 2 different things. You are held in jail, and may be able to be let out on bond depending on the charges against you, while you wait to receive your due process. You are not held in a prison until you are sentenced by a judge, following a conviction by a jury.
If your due process is violated and you are imprisoned without conviction, guess who would probably be interested in taking your case? Probably the ACLU.