It is hard to watch. There isn’t any blood or gore but I keep turning this video over in my head. He fought to the end, even when his body lay shattered
It is hard to watch. There isn’t any blood or gore but I keep turning this video over in my head. He fought to the end, even when his body lay shattered
If it did stand a chance of diminishing Hamas’ fighting capabilities, it would only push Israel further into a brutal confrontation with Iran. Iran certainly doesn’t want to sacrifice everything against the US, but the fact is the US would be dashed against the rocks. Iran is burying the dream of war with China that Russia coldly strangled to death in view of everyone on earth.
He gave everything for the struggle, this is one of the most insane videos I have ever seen. I almost feel like the Israelis showing me this was some kind of mistake?
Putting out a video of your enemy fighting honorably to his last breath and dying while still firmly standing on his feet like a fucking anime character seems like a really bad idea
I didn’t want to say it but if you put this in a video game or a movie it would seem like a ludicrous level of grit that no human being could be expected to match.
Dare I say he makes me feel like a loser? Not trying to make it about me. 🥲
At the risk of sounding like a slop hog, reminds me of Tom Hanks at the end of saving private Ryan
That’s good to mention actually because these kinds of heroics are now TERRORISM when they’re not Tom Hanks.
Sometimes we need you slop hogs - I mean MEDIA LITERATES sorry
It is weird they released this video instead of doing it Osama style saying he went out trying to cowardly use one of his wives as a human shield