Dude wasn’t even dieting what was crazy is for all intense in purposes no one could tell he was losing weight. He looked the same weight but when he get on a scale it show him losing weight. You really should read it. For some reason its a stand alone novel, but its actually really short for a Stephen King novel.
Stephen King wrote a story of just that happening to a guy. Except gravity didn’t reverse he just kind of lost mass, but the result was the same.
The dangers of dieting.
Dude wasn’t even dieting what was crazy is for all intense in purposes no one could tell he was losing weight. He looked the same weight but when he get on a scale it show him losing weight. You really should read it. For some reason its a stand alone novel, but its actually really short for a Stephen King novel.
I swear to God I’m not trying to be a dick, but just so you know the phrase is “for all Intents and purposes.”
It’s a pity you have to preface it that way.