Its worse than liberals… its zionists
Question: since Lula is a Global South socdem, is he a lib?
We should analyze liberalism from a materialist standpoint and not treat the ideology of it as the primary factor. On the surface level, Lula and a lot of American/European soc-dem liberals will theoretically have the same philosophy, stated values and preferred policies. But the labor movement will be stronger and more principled wherever the concentration of industry and the proletariat is the highest. The semi-bougiefied imperial core proles have much more trouble staying principled or properly understanding the course of politics. The labor movement in the imperial core is coasting by on pure inertia from previous decades. Their gains are eroded by ever increasing rounds of austerity.
Thanks for reminding me to
not treat the ideology of it as the primary factor.
Yeah that’s just pure idealism on my part, the economic base determines and constantly moves the superstructure
Technically yes, but he talks about building wealth evenly through social programs in his own country, which improves people’s lives and goes against historical austerity imposed on the global south, which could facilitate decoupling from western hegemony. This makes him theoretically better than a socdem in the west, who is limited to making wealth more evenly distributed, but ultimately still derives that power from plundering the global south. Being better just because of your geopolitical conditions is not guaranteed, however, as we have seen in recent years in Chile and Peru.
Yeah, there are global South allies who are technically libs (eg. Ta Nehisi Coates)
libs who definitely know they depend on the hegemonic western capitalist base, with its unequal ‘exchange’ and imposed IMF austerity, dollar rule, and interest rates…
Yes. He’s a Lib with a neoliberal government, barely even socdem
There is a difference between liberals and fascists. Its slight and the liberals do tend towards fascism but they aren’t there yet.
Zionist libs
Damn, were they not able to find s fascist that actually finished artschool?
Many such cases
Clipart in Paint is the best they could do.
Internet leftist co-opting aside, this is about as naked a genocidal argument I’ve seen. Usually it’s couched in “right to defend”, “hostages”, “human shields”, etc., but this sticker says that a basic cultural expression of Palestine is tantamount to Naziism.
The equivalent would be what, saying a kippah is a genocidal symbol?
At first I thought this was a billboard on the side of a building which would be really
, but maybe it’s just a sticker on the back of a road sign?
Zionists also suck at being creative I see.
Remember that time they made a commercial about Santa crying about October 7th? That shit sucked and it was markedly before they realized they were losing youthful demographics
And they had posters of Voldemort and Jigsaw from Saw crying with the implication that Hamas is even worse
the maoist uprising against the landlords was the largest and most comprehensive proletarian revolution in history, and led to almost totally-equal redistribution of land among the peasantry
Is Spider Man an anti-Zionist?
Ok, I’m going to ask the silly question: What is the origins of Maoist Standard English?
The first time I came about something similar was reading Settlers by J Sakai, but I think its current form is just exaggerating the settlers style.
I think its the kkkracker amerikkkan thing
I think the earliest consistent uses I can think of in print are Pantherist writings, and there’s a fair bit of blending of Pantherist thought in US Maoist currents.
Do the kids even call people hipsters anymore?
No, this is some boomer shit
Not for like 10 years now
We’re approaching the point of:
“damn hipsters with their
skinnybaggyskinny jeans”
It seems unwise to conflate yourself to victims of the KKK when your main supporters are the ones who think the brown people abroad are inferior and gross.
Zionists accidentally making the kkk look cool and good by association.
Comrade, dont put the KKK and cool in the same sentence again
Yeah, I cringed when I wrote that.
Clarence Brandenburg, a KKK leader, made racist remarks during a Klan rally in Hamilton County, Ohio, including “Send the Jews back to Israel” and “Bury the [insert slur here].”
Reminds me of
I found a YouTube link in your comment. Here are links to the same video on alternative frontends that protect your privacy: