Hate to use the app but many relatives only have one. Is there any privacy hardened versions for Android?
I collect all the text messangers in Matrix with bridges, including WhatsApp https://element.io/blog/element-one-all-of-matrix-whatsapp-signal-and-telegram-in-one-place/
Is the fact that you’re using a bridge at all apparent to your WhatsApp friends? Or is nothing different as far as they are concerned? Also, does Element have a setting to prevent pictures and video from being automatically downloaded over cellular data?
They have no idea. And I’ve no idea if there is such a setting.
That’s really cool, might have to get this for myself
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There are none. As its Facebook.
You are better of inviting them to Signal. If they know how to use WhatsApp, then they know how to use Signal. It’s designed to be as easy as possible, while secure and private.
That’s not how it works on real life. Sure you can invite a handful of people there, but they won’t last because their friends aren’t there, every one is on WhatsApp
Yes, but if the contacts you care about it have it, it’s useful for you.
What do you mean by privacy hardened? The messages are going through Facebook’s servers, so there’s very little you can do in terms of privacy for your conversations. If you want to limit its ability to touch your things on your phone, track you on your phone, be able to use your phone’s sensors, etc., then maybe a Matrix bridge or WhatsApp WebToGo on F-Droid? Honestly, I’m interested in a good alternative, because I couldn’t get the matrix bridge working several years ago, and WhatsApp WebToGo has issues staying connected and requires a dedicated WhatsApp phone that stays at home or wherever.
Beeper I guess It’s just Matrix with it’s bridges
There are many modified/modded versions of the official client but I don’t think they are “privacy hardened” in any way, they do offer a plethora of extra features though
There isn’t really an alternetive launcher but you could download a firewall app like NetGuard and block every connection exept g.whatsapp.net
You need to also allow mmg.whatsapp.net and some CDN domains to allow download image and files.
Beeper is maybe an alternative. It is basically a matrix bridge. But not only for WhatsApp, also for signal and iMessage and many more. (Now in Beta, later 10$ a month subscription) https://www.beeper.com
There’s nothing about Beeper that makes running WhatsApp through it more private. You’re still using the Meta platform, but you’re adding a new company in the chain. Your messages from the WhatsApp server get decrypted by Beeper then re-encrypted to be sent to you.
You can at least remove the aditional company by hosting the bridge yourself https://tube.jeena.net/w/rYhp4ZT5Ykw1aBGqMr62KG
But I don’t think OP was askiing for more private just for a alternative.
Saw this but didn’t try myself.
I use it. It’s not great. Basically, you keep a phone at home with WhatsApp installed and running. Then WhatsApp ToGo will connect to it, as though you’re connecting from a web browser. And like the web version of WhatsApp, it will occasionally disconnect and require you to resync with the QR.
Never tried it but there is Franz and certain plugins for Bitlbee and Pidgin Messenger
Signal. Telegram. Threema. Matrix. Talking in person.
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I said don’t use shit from Facebook.
No you didn’t.
Do you need to state the obvious when only providing alternatives?