Saagar Enjeti is such an incredibly dense piece of shit it’s a wonder he hasn’t broken every plumbing system he’s been in contact with.
I don’t even understand the value of what Krystal Ball is doing sitting next to him every week. This isn’t some wacky Hannity & Colmes, I’ll cover the left, you cover the right buddy cop team-up. Saagar Enjeti is an enemy of the movement and it’s harmful to give that know-nothing clown a platform to spew ignorance and give him the credibility coming from when they worked together at The Hill so that Saagar can ride his way into elite DC social circles.
Saagar Enjeti is such an incredibly dense piece of shit it’s a wonder he hasn’t broken every plumbing system he’s been in contact with.
Unfortunately the United States is so broken and fascistic that to be a leftist with a voice reaching even the border of the mainstream you have to launder it through a “buddy-cop left-right duo”. If that show didn’t have Krystal Ball and/or Ryan Grim it would have utterly no value at all.
Doing a show with Saagar kind of amounts to the same thing whether she agrees with him or not… I wouldn’t care except that Krystal is married to one of my problematic favs, Kyle Kulinski, who does a left-aligned news program, so by extension I want good things for Krystal, and not whatever she is trying to do with Breaking Points.
Saagar Enjeti is such an incredibly dense piece of shit it’s a wonder he hasn’t broken every plumbing system he’s been in contact with.
I don’t even understand the value of what Krystal Ball is doing sitting next to him every week. This isn’t some wacky Hannity & Colmes, I’ll cover the left, you cover the right buddy cop team-up. Saagar Enjeti is an enemy of the movement and it’s harmful to give that know-nothing clown a platform to spew ignorance and give him the credibility coming from when they worked together at The Hill so that Saagar can ride his way into elite DC social circles.
Unfortunately the United States is so broken and fascistic that to be a leftist with a voice reaching even the border of the mainstream you have to launder it through a “buddy-cop left-right duo”. If that show didn’t have Krystal Ball and/or Ryan Grim it would have utterly no value at all.
Krystal likely agrees with him? 🤷
Doing a show with Saagar kind of amounts to the same thing whether she agrees with him or not… I wouldn’t care except that Krystal is married to one of my problematic favs, Kyle Kulinski, who does a left-aligned news program, so by extension I want good things for Krystal, and not whatever she is trying to do with Breaking Points.