Strange New Worlds S02E07 just leaked

    2 years ago

    Yeah I felt there is nothing interesting going on to keep my attention. They are exploring space - there should be tons of really interesting scenarios. Remember the entire Q thing with time travel and different consequences from all that, both morally and technologically. It made me feel really excited and interested in the choices that were made.

    But in the last few shows, it’s just missing. The big focus seems to be on throwing as many different races into the show as possible and make that the actual focus of the show. It was never the focus previously.

    The crew here is annoying. For example, they keep reminding eachother how they are the best of what star fleet has to offer, but they can’t act worth a damn. When she ship is being threatened to be destroyed, they don’t look like they even care.

    So I think you are right, it’s not the wokeness that is so annoying but it becomes so much of the focus since there is no good story or acting going on.

    If I have to watch “strong black woman” for the 100th time, it does tend to get really annoying. Can we have a good story in star trek please? That was the point of the previous shows at least.