The first is never get in a land war with Asia
Never send the Baltic Fleet into combat?
As true now as ever.
You could probably generalize this to any Russian fleet.
Remindes me of when I, a fool, fell victim to one of the classic blunders
You get involved in a land war in Asia too?
I tried to invade Russia in the winter
You fool! You fell victim to one of the classic blunders
Don’t remind me of that… but you are right thought, I did fall victim to one of the classic blunders
T H U N D E R C R O S S S P L I T A T T A C K ! ! !
“You fool, you fell victim to one of the classic blinders!”
— The Grand Nagus.
“Australia is entirely peopled with criminals!”
— The guy who had dinner with Andre
You keep using that word, I do not think it means what you think it means.